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Friends? or could this be mean more to come???

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Here's the deal......i've been great friends with this girl since we started grade school, and all threw high school, never went out or anything just good friends. Now we are grown and both just done with college, and the last 2 she had been dateing this guy, who is a good friend of mine, and in that time, she broke up with him 2 times, and then this last month he broke up with her....and she came to me and asked for advise on what to do and such, and during this time that they have been broken up now going on 6 weeks, she has told me she still misses him, but i told her u just need to give it time. Well this past week i made plans with her to go out one night and just go as friends, so we went to a movie, and we both had a really great time, and i didnt make any moves on her are anything, even though i wanted to cuase i have feeling for her now, i didnt cuase it's to early and she isnt over her ex. So anyhow i've had feelings for her, really great gal lot of good quality's and was talking to her on night this past week after we had went out, and she asked me if she could hang out with me for new yr's eve, cuase she didnt know what else she was going to do otherwise, and she didnt want to just sit at home, so i said of course i said dont worry you'll have something to do....so we talked a little more and then she was going to go, and she told me she was gonna calle me sometime this weekend. So know it comes to the question i have.......even though i have strong feelings for her i dont wanna rush her beings that she's getting over a realationship. But given it time, and from what she has said and how she acts, do u think there is possiblilty that she is hinting towards something more, or she just as friends?, another thing is i want to make sure if there is something more that i know it, cuase i dont want it to ruin the relationship we already have. What is your take on this situation thanks for anything......

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She sees you as a male g/f and if you push it she will probably cut your friendship way back. You have been friends to long ( in her mind ) so I would stay friends ( if you can ) and look elsewhere for a g/f. You are barking up the wrong tree with her.

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