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We are both taken!!!

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There is a new guy at my work who since day one, I have fallen head over heels for! I feel a pull towards him when we are working close together. His smile makes my stomach do flip flops and he also has a great personality. The problem is we both have signifcant others that we are living with. I'm also not sure if he is feeling the same way...but in the beginning I thought he was. He seemed to always be wherever I was and he picks on me as a joke but it seems like flirting. He always goes to lunch with me and other people. The other night we ended up at the bar together after work alone. I recently started wondering if he just sees me as a friend or is he feeling the same way I am? My feelings for him have started to interfere with my relationship as I think about him all the time. His girlfriend is going away for three months. I don't know how stable there relationship is, they have been together for three years. I have been with my boyfriend for 5 years but I never felt as physically attracted to him as I do for this guy. Does he think I am just a friend?

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Does he think I am just a friend?


No. He's into you. Guys rarely just want to be friends.


You two are so lucky neither is married. You should pursue this, nothing worse than letting defense mechanisms hold back a potentially great relationship.

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If he feels the same as you, you both need to call it quits with your s/o's. That would be the honest and respectful thing to do. Call it quits with your b/f before persuing anything further with this other guy. Make sure he does the same with his g/f.






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You are getting something emotional from this OM that is lacking in your relationship with you and your so !! You should make sure this is what you want to do before you hurt your b/f !! Break it off before you pursue this guy because you have other people's feelings to think about not only yours!!Good luck

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