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i have the smallest boobs

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You might consider doing chest presses. They won't increase your cup size or anything like that, but some girls notice a little bit of a lift, at least. But trust me--your boobs will grow! I was a "nearly A" (not even a full A cup) for what felt like FOREVER until after I started college. And after hearing stories from my larger-boobed friends about sagging, boob pain during exercise, and being objectified, I consider myself lucky! I would take little and perky any day of the week!


Maybe instead of worrying about oh-when-oh-when-will-they-grow, concentrate on the total package: Eat well, exercise, and dress to enhance the figure that you already have. It'll make you feel better about your body throughout these tough growing years.

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but i heard somewhere that eating onions and drinking milk can help is this justa dumb lie


No doubt the source of this wisdom was her teenaged friends. Probably the same friends that tell you that you can get pregnant from a toilet seat. Or that if you urinate after unprotected sex you won't get pregnant.


There was a guy at my school that shot up when he was 12 and was taller and hairier than everyone else. By my last year at high school, just about everyone was taller than him. You're 14, just wait a few more years. Not everyone develops at the same rate. By 18 or 19 you might be wishing they were smaller.

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