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Are all women the same?

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Well, yet another girl who I am "just friends" with is jealous over other women. This time it wasn't a weird freak out and everything is fine, but the vibe is there.


In fact, this time the girl in question ("C") just mentioned that she felt hurt a little that I was talking to another girl (a mutual friend) instead of her. I was totally unaware that any vibe was going on at the time, as I was with a great girl who had a rough couple of days and wanted to talk. Also, we just happened to be in the same place, we weren't hanging out together or anything. "C" left before I did, and I made plans for us to hang out on Xmas. All normal.


Last night, "C" mentioned feeling hurt, but was VERY huggy and was resting her head on my chest and things like that. She asked if I would go out with her and some of our friends, but I was tired and said I was going home. She almost begged me to go with them, pushed really hard as to why I was tired (out late talking with the other woman friend), but said it was fine, somewhat dejectedly but nothing major. At one point, a guy in the group asked emphatically that I go, and "C" sad, "He's not going to go because he sucks." This was put in a totally joking way, and I knew she was kidding and thought nothing of it...Then she says, "No, he doesn't suck, he rules!" and then leaned in to kiss me. I just looked at her and at the last second she kissed me on the cheek. As touchy as she is with me, she has never done that before.


Then as we are leaving--me heading for home, them heading off seeking adventure--she yells from across the parking lot, "I hope to see you soon, if you can fit me into your busy social schedule!" I do have a busy social schedule, but she is a huge part of it and I just hung out with her two nights before that, and have seen her the same amount as usual, so that was something of a surprise. But I could tell she was kidding and as I said, "Whaa...?" she says, "I am totally kidding! I love you! I love you I love you I love you I'll call you tomorrow!" Again, not unusual as she tells me that a lot, so I said, "I love you, too, I'll talk to you tomorrow!" and that was it.


I am thinking that while we are just friends, she is starting to want more, as the others who get jealous and flip out (and want more) do the same thing. Is that so?


I am not going to do anything about it, as I'd date "C" if it winds up like that, but if we don't I am cool, too. Sometimes women baffle me. I only want to be prepared for whatever is coming, so any analysis anyone can give would be greatly appreciated!

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I think women get jealous because they don't like you up until they see you with other girls.I think they are like why doesn't he like me? And it creates tension. Dude go 4 it if u like her goodluck.

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