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To Tony,

No offended

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No offended

Sometimes,you use "YOU SAID" and typing in CAPS --) it look you are shouting at everyone.Since i'm sure most people know what they said, you just put in verted commas and stop use the CAPS.


Can you?

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I am very sorry if you are offended but you have to own that. Offending people is not my wish or my mission in life.


I put "YOU WROTE" in capital letters for typographical purposes, differentiating that from the actual quote from the post. It's a matter of style and I've been doing it that way for more than a year.


You are the first person who has had a problem with that. If you would just read my posts, it would be obvious to you that the capital letters were not my attempt to shout.


When I put capital letters in the body of a post, I am not meaning to shout either. They are used by me to emphasize a word or thought since there is no underlining feature on the forum.


I hope this helps you better understand my use of capital letters.


Note: And even if I was meaning to shout at people, all you have to do is plug your ears.

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