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Was I Too Harsh?

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hi, there's this girl that i know, we're not exactly friends, more like


aquaintences (we worked together this summer), and sometimes just


randomely she IMs me.


anuways, recently i received an IM from someone that i didn't know, and i


just started talking to this person and then i finally found out that it was this


girl. at first i wasn't so mad but then i asked why she did it and she said that


her friend made her do it and that it was just a joke and the i started getting


really upset with her. so then she said that if i wanted she would stop IMing


me and i said that was a good idea. and then she started saying that she


could do that but that she would miss me too much. and then she started


saying that she had to say something else, she said that she missed me and


that she just wanted to talk to me, she said that she had to use a different


screen name because i hadn't responded when she IM'd me with her own


screen name, and then i just told her goodbye and told her to stop IMing me.


and that was it. now i'm wondering, do you guys think i was too harsh on this


girl? thanks.

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No, what she did was mean, cruel, deceptivem juvenile and just plain in bad taste. Somebody did that to me one time and it really pissed me off.


If you think there has to be trust in real life, multiply that by 1000 and that's what's required online. You have to trust the people who you don't see and often don't really know or haven't met, to at least be straight up with you. It's hard enough to trust real, in the flesh people but when somebody breachs a trust online, it's OVER!!!


Let her know you are angry, that the trust is gone, and that you wish to have nothing to do with her anymore. It's a lesson she needs to learn for the future. And besides, why would you want a friend who is deceptive like that.

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Guess what?


A girl named Laura posted the exact same situation here not too long ago. She must have been the girl that was IM'ing you, because she wrote the EXACT same thing.


What a small world!!!


(Or...you might be the same person who posted here before. Either way, I smell something fishy, and I'd rather not get into it. So I think you should contact her to figure out if you were too harsh.)

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that's just how i feel. but to just give her some credit, she did admit that it was her in the end and she apologized probably a hundred times and even sent me an online apology card which i deleted. i don't hate this girl or anything i just don't want to talk to her online, or any other time unless i have to.


thanks for the support.

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It was wrong of her to do what she did. You don't have to give her any credit whatsoever. Just drop the subject, stop talking to her, and move on with your life.

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wasn't this *exact* same problem posted by the girl in this scenario not too long ago?


hi, there's this girl that i know, we're not exactly friends, more like aquaintences (we worked together this summer), and sometimes just randomely she IMs me. anuways, recently i received an IM from someone that i didn't know, and i just started talking to this person and then i finally found out that it was this girl. at first i wasn't so mad but then i asked why she did it and she said that her friend made her do it and that it was just a joke and the i started getting really upset with her. so then she said that if i wanted she would stop IMing me and i said that was a good idea. and then she started saying that she could do that but that she would miss me too much. and then she started saying that she had to say something else, she said that she missed me and that she just wanted to talk to me, she said that she had to use a different screen name because i hadn't responded when she IM'd me with her own screen name, and then i just told her goodbye and told her to stop IMing me. and that was it. now i'm wondering, do you guys think i was too harsh on this girl? thanks.
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thanks, i needed to hear that. i'm not a bad guy and i don't want to start acting like one, that's why i just wanted other people's opinions. thanks for all the support.

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lol :)


i just hope this poor girl doesn't feel embarrassed by what seems to be a big event in her life. it must be consuming her.


i hope if she reads this board, she sees this message and realises that life is too short at such a young age to get worked up by it.....worse things can happen in relationships and she'll be laughing about this in a year or two. if she can put it behind her, it won't feel half as bad in a few months time.


when i think back to when i was young (a long, loooooong time ago....hehe), i did some things that in hindsight i crack up laughing over. of course, at the time i thought it was the end of the world....until i had another crush 6 months later.


boy, did i have some encore presentations once upon a time!

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