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Asian gurl deciding whether to take voice lessons or not!!! Help!!!!


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:o I just had one thing that I am questioning. I love music and my room becomes my sanctuary when Im feeling depress or wants to escape from my life for just a few moments just as long as I have my music to listen to. I can carry a tune and I have gotten better over the years with my singing. However, I've always felt that I'm not good enough and thought of even getting voice lessons, but I am a college student and I can't afford to take voice lessons bcoz they are very expensive. There are times I feel like that I should be doing something besides going to college and even thought about what it would be like if I was a great singer and pursue music. I have the passion for singing yet it seems like my voice isnt good enough. Not only that, I am also terrified of singing in front of people. SO IS IT A GOOD IDEA TO GET VOICE LESSONS TO LEARN THE TECHNIQUES OF SINGING AND TO GET BETTER AT IT OR IS IT JUST A WASTE OF $$$$??? HOW DO I DEAL ABOUT GETTING OVER THE FEAR OF PERFORMING IN FRONT OF PEOPLE????
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Why not join a local choir? If they won't take you, then probably your voice isn't good enough for public consumption. Hang out with people who go to sing karaoke. Unless lots of people think you have a great voice, you likely won't have a chance at 'being a great singer' and even people with good voices don't have very good chances of being famous.


You could, I suppose, always try out for the American Idol show. You'll find out pretty fast what experts think of your voice.

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:o I just had one thing that I am questioning. I love music and my room becomes my sanctuary when Im feeling depress or wants to escape from my life for just a few moments just as long as I have my music to listen to. I can carry a tune and I have gotten better over the years with my singing. However, I've always felt that I'm not good enough and thought of even getting voice lessons, but I am a college student and I can't afford to take voice lessons bcoz they are very expensive. There are times I feel like that I should be doing something besides going to college and even thought about what it would be like if I was a great singer and pursue music. I have the passion for singing yet it seems like my voice isnt good enough. Not only that, I am also terrified of singing in front of people. SO IS IT A GOOD IDEA TO GET VOICE LESSONS TO LEARN THE TECHNIQUES OF SINGING AND TO GET BETTER AT IT OR IS IT JUST A WASTE OF $$$$??? HOW DO I DEAL ABOUT GETTING OVER THE FEAR OF PERFORMING IN FRONT OF PEOPLE????


Improving yourself is never a waste of money. Can't you take voice in college? Then you get credits, too. Singing should be an end to itself, and you can enjoy it for your whole life whether you are a famous singer or only sing for your family. Take some lessons and start a band. Don't stop going to college, though, because it is very difficult to make a living as a singer. Once you start doing it, you won't be afraid anymore.

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I bought a book by Roger Love called "Set your voice free". It includes a cd with a lot lessons and exercises. It's not too bad I guess. I like it that the book comes with a cd, thus you can actually hear the different sounds he's trying to explain to you. The book is for people who want to improve their voice in general, but also for people who want to learn how to sing better.


By the way, did you include "Asian girl" in the title to get more attention or what does it have to do with the fact that you want to take singing lessons? That will only attract all the Asian fetishists, but I'm not sure if they can help you with your question. :laugh:

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:o I just had one thing that I am questioning. I love music and my room becomes my sanctuary when Im feeling depress or wants to escape from my life for just a few moments just as long as I have my music to listen to. I can carry a tune and I have gotten better over the years with my singing. However, I've always felt that I'm not good enough and thought of even getting voice lessons, but I am a college student and I can't afford to take voice lessons bcoz they are very expensive. There are times I feel like that I should be doing something besides going to college and even thought about what it would be like if I was a great singer and pursue music. I have the passion for singing yet it seems like my voice isnt good enough. Not only that, I am also terrified of singing in front of people. SO IS IT A GOOD IDEA TO GET VOICE LESSONS TO LEARN THE TECHNIQUES OF SINGING AND TO GET BETTER AT IT OR IS IT JUST A WASTE OF $$$$??? HOW DO I DEAL ABOUT GETTING OVER THE FEAR OF PERFORMING IN FRONT OF PEOPLE????


try it out first. it not suitable, take choir or free singing groups

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