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Cyb Tiger

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hiya all,


Just wondering if I could maybe get your opinion on things, what is the general attitude towards dating exes again? I really need this advice as this is the jam I'm in, trying to decide whether to listen to my head and let it go, or listening to my heart and giving it another chance.


Thanks in advance :)

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Rarely do things work out with an ex. The same dynamics that caused a break up in the first place are usually still in place. The purpose of dating is to see who is right and who is wrong for you. Once you have made a decision to break up, meaning the situation isn't right, there is no rational reason for going back.


People return to their ex's out of loneliness, boredom or the memories of how great it was in the beginning and for a while. But all too often when there is a reconciliation, the bad stuff quickly surfaces and there's another break up.


I think in life it's always best to move forward and not look back. Things stay much more refreshing that way. There is somebody great out there for you with whom you will be far more compatible, I'm sure.

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I think it all depends on the reasons why you broke up in the first place. If you don't have a good idea of what those were and/or you haven't addressed them, then you'll probably end up breaking up again for those same reasons. If you have dealt with the problems that ended the old relationship and you both find that you're wanting to try again, why not? A bit of self-reflection before diving in might be good -- are you interested in re-connecting w/your ex because you've been in a lull dating-wise? Is your ex on the rebound from another relationship? Obviously scenarios like that aren't promising for a sucessful new start. If you just keep your mind engaged as well as your heart there's no reason why it couldn't work given the right circumstances.

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If your heart is saying yes, then I would go for it. I would just keep an eye out and try to prevent trouble. But, it's better to try and have it not work out than to wonder the rest of your life, right? =) Good luck.

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