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Help! I'm in love with my friend

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Help! I'm in a twisted situation right now and I just need some advice. I've been friends with this guy for more than 5 years now. In between those years we've become very very close friends. I tell him everything and he also confides in me and seeks me out when he's going through tough times and needs advice. Early on in our friendship I developed a fondness for him, but I still had feelings for my new ex back then. He began seeing a girl and they began their relationship. I was happy for him and even prouder of the fact that I could be his true friend while he dated someone. We continued being friends and the friendship grew stronger and closer. Becoming that close friend and confidant for him caused me to develop strong feelings for him. I promised myself the next time I had feelings for a guy I would tell him right away instead of waiting and getting hurt like what had happened to me before with another guy. Even though he had a girlfriend, I revealed my feelings to him. I was not necessarily looking for him to leave his girlfriend to be with me, I just wanted to let him know how I felt. Unfortunately, he responded that he only saw me as a friend and sister. I decided to put some distance between us and we talked off and on for a while, instead of the usual daily conversations. A few months ago, I started dating someone else. And now, my friend has admitted that he did have feelings for me and he still does. He said the reason he's telling me this now is because it's "safer". I don't know what to do. I feel like my only options right now are to either have a genuine conversation with him to find out what he wants and move on from there or cut him off completely because of the potential danger and hurt that will surely come in the future. What do you think I should do?

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You really need to feel him out on this one. Make sure he just isn't doing this, because you are w/ someone else. Some guys like that kind of thrill. If you think he really wants you, and you really want him, then go for it. Just be sure the guy you are with now is truly not the one for you.

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