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New friendship and divorce

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I remember when I came in here a few months ago freaking out about my separation and was very depressed. I wanted my exh back so very much and thought my whole world was ending when he left. Well now I am in a totally new place with it and understand where we both want to be in our lives.


I am in a new relationship already and have been proposed to, I have accepted. My exh is also in a new relationship and is not as happy as I am but still he is good. My exh and I have built a great friendship with each other and talk about so much about anything and everything, something we both lacked when we were married. We both have said we are not getting back together and we are happy with that decision.


We are actually filing the divorce papers tomorrow. I am sad and so is he at the fact that our marriage came to this. We are both worried that we are going to cry. I mean like I said we are happy where we are now and know we can never make our marriage work out, but we do love each other in many different ways (not in love), for the kids and for our past when it was great. Is it normal to feel this way even though we both know what we want in our lives and dont want each other? Maybe it is the new found friendship we found as we are apart? Can someone shed some light on this weird life I am leading (hehehe)? Thanks, it is greatly appreciated!! :D

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I am deeply concerned that in a matter of only a few months you have met someone and agreed to marry him. I hope to high heavens that you're planning on a very long engagement. I don't think anybody should rush into marriage that fast, no matter how old they are or how many times married.

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I am deeply concerned that in a matter of only a few months you have met someone and agreed to marry him.


I second the motion.


I do give the both of you credit that you & your ex remain friends, & that your parting was not acrimonious.


However, after such a short period of time, both you & your ex are likely still in a rebound. The fact that he's not as happy as you are indicates he realizes this.


The rebound is the result of a void left by a divorce or break-up. Nature abhors a vacuum, & there is a strong tendancy to want to immediately plunge into another relationship.


Unfortunately, that is the wrong reason to enter a relationship, & people often make bad decisions, either being blind to the other's traits, or choosing to ignore them. Then when they do become apparent, there can be problems.


So, I also hope that yours is a long engagement. You each have a lot to get to know about the other.



When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. When life hands you limes, make margaritas.

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I am in a new relationship already and have been proposed to, I have accepted.


Sorry, but I just cannot comprehend how you can be in the right frame of mind to enter into a new healthy relationship let alone ANOTHER MARRIGE!!!????after only 3 months out of your last marriage.Why rush into another so quick???

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Wow, maybe take a photocopy of a blank set of papers a you may need them in a year or two.

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