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Hurting Beyond Words...

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In November it will be (2) years I received her e-mail in response to an ad I had replied to. She said that she


was interested in getting to know me better because she liked my response. From Nov 97 to March 98 we met for the


first time. From Nov until this point we talked online and phone. I can honestly say that I loved her and didn't


really care what she looked like in person. We made love that day and I discovered she had never been with


anyone else. After that she kept flying back to see me, and we eventually lived together for about 4 months.


Then in July 99, she moved to CO from CA because of her job. We have had a beautiful relationship and a strong friendship. I love her more than life, she's the very air that I breathe.


About (3) weeks ago she told me that she loved me very much, but that she had an emptiness in her heart that


she couldn't explain. That she felt I gave more to the relationship than she did and she didn't think it was fair


to me. So she wanted us to be friends for a while until she could find some answers. Last week she mentioned


that she is interested in someone else, yet that that is not the reasons of her confusions in regards to me. She claims the issue was before she met her new friend. They aren't involved, just seeing each other as friends.


I have decided to take a month off from work and go with her in CO to try and save our relationship. I keep debating if I should just let her go, or try to save it. I told her my


intentions and she said ok, let's see what happens. I am so destroyed inside and I can't bare the thought of being without her. Yet I feel that I may be setting myself up for a greater fall. Please advize me on what I should do since I'm supposed to leave on Friday to CO. She has


mentioned that while we work things out she will not see her new friend.


This is on my mind every second I'm awake...

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If you are going to see her, I assume you want to continue the relationship, which means someone will have to move assuming it all works out. Are you prepared for that?

In November it will be (2) years I received her e-mail in response to an ad I had replied to. She said that she was interested in getting to know me better because she liked my response. From Nov 97 to March 98 we met for the first time. From Nov until this point we talked online and phone. I can honestly say that I loved her and didn't really care what she looked like in person. We made love that day and I discovered she had never been with anyone else. After that she kept flying back to see me, and we eventually lived together for about 4 months. Then in July 99, she moved to CO from CA because of her job. We have had a beautiful relationship and a strong friendship. I love her more than life, she's the very air that I breathe. About (3) weeks ago she told me that she loved me very much, but that she had an emptiness in her heart that she couldn't explain. That she felt I gave more to the relationship than she did and she didn't think it was fair to me. So she wanted us to be friends for a while until she could find some answers. Last week she mentioned that she is interested in someone else, yet that that is not the reasons of her confusions in regards to me. She claims the issue was before she met her new friend. They aren't involved, just seeing each other as friends. I have decided to take a month off from work and go with her in CO to try and save our relationship. I keep debating if I should just let her go, or try to save it. I told her my intentions and she said ok, let's see what happens. I am so destroyed inside and I can't bare the thought of being without her. Yet I feel that I may be setting myself up for a greater fall. Please advize me on what I should do since I'm supposed to leave on Friday to CO. She has


mentioned that while we work things out she will not see her new friend. This is on my mind every second I'm awake...


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If you are going to see her, I assume you want to continue the relationship, which means someone will have to move assuming it all works out. Are you prepared for that?

DEFINATELY! I will do whatever it takes, nothing else matters to me, but her!

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