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Who, or what, is Tony. I see him on here virtually everyday giving great, well thought out answers to many posts...but who is he? Is he an administration? Or Tony, are you some kind of 40 year old love expert? Are you a 12 year old genius? Please explain something, I'm very curious.

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1. I see him on here virtually everyday giving great, well thought out answers to many posts...but who is he?


A very excellent question. Who is Tony? Why is he here? His basic reason is to figure out the meaning of life. So far, the best he has been able to figure, the meaning of life is making sure you rewind your videos before returning them to Blockbuster.


However, he has learned that with DVD's, there's a lot more to life than that.


2. Is he an administration?


If you mean is he part of the administration of this site, he has nothing to do with that at all...no ownership either. The site is actually operated, he believes, as a joint venture between the United Nations, the United States Government, Russia, MI6, the British Ministry of Intelligence, and The Microsoft Corporation...who will joint venture with just about anybody.


3. Or Tony, are you some kind of 40 year old love expert?


Now, it's from "he" to "you"? Hmmmm. There is no expert on love, believe me. There are over 6 billion people on planet earth and each of them has their own idea on the subject. Thank God not all of them post in this forum...talk about some confused advice seekers.


4. Are you a 12 year old genius?


Not now, but I was considered that at age 12. But when I was 16, I was considered a 20 year old genius.


5. Please explain something, I'm very curious.


Well, I'd love to explain something because I'd love to satisfy your curiousity. Is this a wild card question or is there something particular you want explained?


Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.

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Just out of curiosity, how do you find the time to respond to so many posts? You do give great advice; how did you become so well informed on the topic of love? What is your occupation, counselor? You should definetely consider becoming a professional counselor, you have helped me on several occasions when I was down and confused and broken-hearted. Even though its not as personal as talking, getting responses on this site to my problems has helped me out a lot. Thank you for your well thought out advice Tony.

Who, or what, is Tony. I see him on here virtually everyday giving great, well thought out answers to many posts...but who is he? Is he an administration? Or Tony, are you some kind of 40 year old love expert? Are you a 12 year old genius? Please explain something, I'm very curious.
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1. "how do you find the time to respond to so many posts?"


I respond while I'm doing my other work, mostly real estate and business management.


2. "You do give great advice; how did you become so well informed on the topic of love?"


Thank you for the gracious compliment.


I've either made very mistake there is to make or I've known someone else who's made the mistakes I didn't and I know what the results are. That usually helps you plan ways for avoiding the same problems in the future. I guess it's just a matter of paying attention.


It's also lots easier to give advice than it is to take it.


3. "What is your occupation, counselor?"


Real estate investor, management, business consultant, advertising agent, TV and radio commericial production.


4. "You should definetely consider becoming a professional counselor, you have helped me on several occasions when I was down and confused and broken-hearted."


I am elated that I have been able to help. I truly believe that each of us owe some kind of service to our fellow man while we share the planet. Giving advice on this forum is just one way of performing that service. It makes me very happy to know that I have helped you in some small way.


I don't think I could ever be a counsellor because Jerry Springer would be on at the same time someone might want an appointment with me and I would have to turn them down.


5. "Even though its not as personal as talking, getting responses on this site to my problems has helped me out a lot. Thank you for your well thought out advice Tony."


There are a lot of great people who come to the forum and respond to the posts. I learn a great deal from them, especially about how wrong I am sometimes. But you know what they say, when you're green you grow...when you're ripe you rot.

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