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Carpooling what a Predicament

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So I have been carpooling to work with this girl for the past 6 months. We met at my next door neighboors house, and it turns out she had just got a job at my company. Even though I had just met her, I suggested we should carpool together. Well we saw each other at work one day, and we decided we should start. We have an hour to an hour and a half commute each way, which means we spend 2-3 hours a day together just the two of us, and naturally we have gotten to know each other pretty well. I really like her, and I think she likes me, but I'm not really sure. I have never been good at reading how girls feel about me. Now I feel like I am in a no win situation. If I tell her how I feel, and she doesn't feel the same... how I am supposed to spend 2-3 hours a day in a car with her? I could stop carpooling, but lets be honest gas is not cheap. If she does feel the same way, then great...but if we end up not working out, there goes the carpool. I feel like I should say something soon, before she starts seeing someone seriously, because then I will really kick myself. But I don't want to mess up the carpool. I feel like the only way this can work is if we end up falling in love and getting married... something fairly far off in my life that I don't think of much. What should I do!?!? Advice please!!!!!!Thanks!

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Don't tell her how you feel.. Ask her to coffee or dinner ..


You should be able to word it so if she turns you down that you guys can still carpool if that is what you want.


Say something like .. "hey I have this evening open and I was wondering if you would like to catch some dinner tonight .."

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