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Hey-I just went to a screening for this new movie 'Thomas In Love,' and it has me thinking about the main character, Thomas, who confines himself to his home and has to live and find love only over his futuristic video-phone!?! The film, quite simply, is about an agoraphobe (pathological fear of open spaces and human contact) who hasn't stepped foot outside his apartment in 8 years. It was really interesting to see him finding love (real and cyber) and interacting with his close-knit circle only over a futuristic videophone. Anyways, I'm rambling, I was thinking though, what if I had to survive like Thomas but only over the Internet!?! What do you all think?


Oh&here's the trailer www.electricartists.com/thomasinlove/Thomas_In_Love-Trailer.wmv


I also have the official movie site: http://www.electricartists.com/thomasinlove/thomasinlove.html


Bye for now,




<e-mail address removed>

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There are thousands of agoraphobics around the world who are so restricted they can't leave their homes. Before the Internet, they used telephones to make social contact.


Normally, they are too ashamed to admit to their phobias so they carry relationships about as far as they can until one day their hand is forced. Rather than fess up to the fact that they fear leaving the safety of their home, they simply drop the phone relationship.


Now, with the Internet, there are even more ways of interacting with other people. But it's much easier for phobics to find others with the same problems who can understand them, through forums, newsgroups, etc. This enables them to be more honest and up front without fearing rejection and/or ridicule from the ignorant.


It's tragic that this happens and there are some cures. However, many people who have agoraphobia so bad they are restricted to their home are simply not able to overcome the malady. The great majority of them suffer some degree of depression and have other conditions, such as mitral valve prolapse, as well.


It is a severely limiting condition and I don't think victims ever fully overcome it. It's brough on by chemical imbalances in the brain which cause nervous reactions. Over time, the victim's phobias generalize and there is so much anticipatory anxiety about elevators, bridges, crowds, open spaces, travel, etc. that the person only feels safe at home or very near a hospital where help can be gotten quickly.


I don't think an agoraphobic can ever have a completely fulfilling relationship with anyone, unfortunately. Also, those with panic disorder and who have to take medication for controlling it have a plethora of sexual dysfunctions as well.


I don't think this Thomas movie is something I would enjoy but I'm glad you made the suggestion.

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