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What's in a wink

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Saw him again the other day.


Just general talking in passing.

Called me sweetheart as he seems to be doing of late.

But shrugged that off, was friendly but did not flirt with him. This is because he is married and i don't want to encourage him.

As i was leaving a friend i was with had to use the ladies, so i was on my own briefly packing up my stuff and he walked by and winked at me. Now that's something he has never done before.


I had my hands full presents from work and from my friend i was with and he came up to me and put his hand on my shoulder so he was facing me. He wished me a Merry Christmas and off i went.



Now was the wink just a guy thing to do because sometimes i have read too much into situations, or is it something i should be worried about

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Forget about it. Pay it no mind. It doesn't matter. HE IS MARRIED. Quit watching his every move for 'signs'. He may be into you - so what? HE IS MARRIED. Last job I was in, a married guy made overt moves on me. No way in hell I'd take him up on it because HE WAS MARRIED.


You do NOT want to do this, trust me.

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I agree, and will add that he is either looking for some hot action from you on the side, and could give a rats a$$ about his marraige. He wants to see how you will respond to his 'flirting" that way he can get a better feel of how you may respond to other things. Or, hes just getting off on the fact that he can flirt with you, get you all up in the air, and has no intentions of doing anything or going any further. Either way hes getting something from it, or he wouldn't keep doing it. My guess is, he knows this has got your head spinning. I wouldn't acknowledge him at all.







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Thanks for your replies


Bluechocolate - you are so funny:laugh:


Jadestar - good advice there. But when i have not acknowledged him in the past, where i've not flirted with him etc. He has upped the flirting

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Bluechocolate - you are so funny:laugh:


Jadestar - good advice there. But when i have not acknowledged him in the past, where i've not flirted with him etc. He has upped the flirting



Treacle, I understand what you're saying. However, by him "upping" the flirting, that just goes to show you he is wanting your attention, so when you don't respond to what he is doing, he will try harder by "upping" the flirting. Wheather he is looking for a fling or just getting his kicks from what he is doing, I would just ignore him all together. So what if he tries harder at the flirting, just ignore him, unless this is something you're wanting to happen. And if so, you need to ask yourself why, and what you will get from it.





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Definitely wanting your attention!! Do not act on it he is married and alot of people could get hurt !! Pay him no mind and maybe he won't bother flirting anymore and if that don't work tell him you going to tell his wife!!!! Bet that one works!!!:lmao:

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It is no great compliment that a man flirts with you. It is no big deal that a man desire you. Sex is part of our biology. All that's about is his hormones wanting him to reproduce and you look like a good breeder. Really, don't be flattered by this.

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