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Friend problems

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There is this girl I’ve known for 2 years or so. She’s one year younger than me and is very nice. We talked some in classes but never really got into each other much. This year over summer she and I both started talking a lot. We talked about random things and up to this point both of us were friends. This year we started to see more of each other and talking more/getting to know each other. She has many friends as do I and she likes to hang out with them (not the party type). She and I recently were talking about how she had a crush on me for years and I said I did as well. I thought those words would screw up our relationship forever. Matter of fact she wanted to go further (as I thought). She does an outside band thing and she really likes it. I played in a band years upon years ago for 4-5 years but quit because it wasn’t my type of thing. I went over to her house a couple of times went around our cit with her etc. one day she said she was bored and she wanted me to come over (up to this point we are still friends.) it was a good 4 hours of screwing around before anything real decided to happen. It seemed she wanted to kiss me ever since I got there so she came over and did so. (we ARE still friends up to this point) This is the confusing part. I asked her out a couple of weeks before this “incident” and I got no answer (thought she didn’t hear me). I asked her out again and this time she said “maybe.” I was hopeful. I talked to her the next day (yesterday) and reconciled with her saying if you can’t really give a straight answer to a yes or no question then you know, something is wrong. She said she didn’t want to go out with anyone now or date. I asked her if we could be friends still, she said yes (thankfully). I’m torn between what she is trying to tell me, I asked her where she stood on this whole situation and I got this “yeah i don't really think i want to go out with anyone right now”, then “like yesterday was cool or whatever but just not for me right now.” Can anyone tell me what’s happening? Am I being shallow or inconsiderate? What should I do in this situation? (I’m just going to play by ear and wait it out) but any thoughts would be great 

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