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I know I just posted about my heroin addict friend, but I have a question about another kind of addiction. A friend of my found out that his wife has been taking their sons ritalin for about 3 years. Even though that medication is regulated, she found a loop hole - she got her son 2 perscriptions, one was a lower dose and one was a higher one. The higher one is the one he is supposed to take twice a day. Her son says that he has only getting on a day. She has been taking the second perscripton plus the extra pill she is not giving her son, and averaging 4 to 5 pills a day. No to mention the fact that she drinks a LOT. Like a bottle of tequila every couple of days. Sometimes more than that.


I tried to explain to him that her taking those pills have to be messing with her head and that it is an addiction, but I don't think he was really listening to me. I don't know what ritalin does for someone who doesn't need it.


He says that he took the pills from her and told her that she can't take them anymore and that he is going to be giving their son the medication from now on. Her repsonse was that she would just go to a doctor and get her own perscription which he was fine with. I am not so sure that is a good idea, but I did some internet research and I can't really find a lot of people with this problem to give him the information.


Personally, I think that he needs to encourage her to get help and to not take this drug. Can anyone tell me what it does to you and if this is a serious problem?

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I've known a couple people who have used Ritalin when they didn't need it. From what they've said, it creates an energetic, speed-like state that people like because they feel it motivates them to get things done, like clean house. My best friend abused Ritalin as a teenager, and she would crush it up and snort it. I'm actually surprised you couldn't find more info online about this issue. I've heard it's a fairly prevalent issue that parents are taking their kids' ADD meds. It definitely IS a big dealin the case you've described, especially if she's abusing alcohol on top of it. Wish I knew more, hope this helped at least a little.

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Ritalin isn't physically addictive - there's a big long explanation why but I'll spare you it. However the lady clearly has a substance abuse issue.


Now here's the thing: if the child has ADD, it's all but 100% certain that one parent has it and people with ADD often self-medicate with booze and drugs. Has she ever been diagnosed? Because I'll bet she's the parent with it and should probably be on her own prescription. There are a lot of studies which have shown that people who get properly medicated for their ADD do NOT develop addictions to other substances because they don't feel the need for meds. While she is taking his meds, she may not be taking the optimum dose or the best med for her, assuming she has ADD.


So tell the husband that she really needs a diagnosis of her own.

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