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At my wits end!!!!

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To make a much longer story short. My husband of 7 years is addicted to porn, or as he calls it women with HUGE breasts! He has thousands of downloaded pictures, vids and files all of these women. When I met him I knew this was a "fascination" of his but this has become the monkey on my back not just his. See, during this marriage we have brought 3 children into the world, two boys and a girl and he sees nothing wrong with doing his surfing on the computer in our 4 year old's room. It's become such and issue I'm ready to leave him. I do not want my children desensitized to sex! I do not agree with any of this behavior. I have realized if I give an inch he takes a mile, he lies, fakes, and hides all this thinking I won't figure it out. I'm not even at the point of hurt anymore and that scares me....I'm just freaking angry!!!!!!! I need some help some insight and some understanding, but please don't try to convince me doing this in our children's bedroom is right!

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Of course his viewing porn in the kids bedroom is wrong and from what you've written, his porn has become disruptive to everyone. :mad:


I just thought I'd acknowledge that I'm on your side, regarding what to do...I have no ideas, sorry. :(

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