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Bad Communication


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I think when there’s a breakup and nothing went horribly wrong it is worse when it is one sided. No horrible arguments , no nasty rude remarks just sweet gentle person. Which leads me to say keeping things inside during a relationship instead discussing issues that could be worked on or let each other move on sooner is not a good thing. If I had known my ex was bothered by anything or losing interest due something in the relationship I would have liked to have known instead of being blind sided. I can’t read minds if you’re unhappy or  anything if you act like nothing is upsetting you. I would have talked it through and tried to work on things at least. I’m at the age if they aren’t horrible and they have treated me with the utmost respect and earned my love  then whatever is going on could be fixable but there too many options out there with apps now I guess.  Ughhh only  if he was awful I wouldn’t feel Absolutley devastated. I sent a text saying we could not be friends right now and he didn’t even respond  .. not really surprised but no response is a responses. He doesn’t care.☹️

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As you point out some people are lousy communicators.  I think that is his problem more than lack of caring.  If he had the capability to respond, you may not have broken up because he could have talked.  He just doesn't have that in him.  

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