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Help me Please!!!!!


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I need help. My bf, soon to be husband, is in the navy and is stationed in san diego, cali. I am in Texas. We talk every day, but tonight I called him and him and one of his buddies were headed to Hooter's. They have no money and said they were just going to look at butt's and boobs. Should i think something is up? He sounded like he was joking but I'm not sure. But they have no money at all, as far as i know. Should I worry or should I not? I had talked to him earlier today and he said that we would talk about our wedding plans tonight. But when i called he was on his way to Hooter's. What should I do? HELP PLEASE!!!

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He's probably just hanging with his guy friends.


I've been to Hooters with my BF and it's no big deal. Sure, the girls walk around in shorts, but sheesh...you see much more on the beach. In fact, you see more at some dance clubs sometimes.


Don't make a big deal about Hooters. Trust me, the more of a big deal you make it, the more appealing it is for him to go there.


If you are going to be married, you can't control every aspect of his life. From time to time, he should have his 'guy' time....he's probably just going to drink beer, eat wings and bullsh** with the guys. If he truly loves you, he is not lusting after Hooters girls.

You have to have trust in your relationship for a marriage to work.

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JayKay, as usual, is absolutely right. Forces personnel have a bond that few can match and many envy, so he's probably going to enjoy an evening with his buddies.


So relax. Given the grin on his face in the picture, you really have nothing at all to worry about.

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