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Making excuse for agency's interview

I Need Tips!!!

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I Need Tips!!!

Some of the recruitment agencies need the candidates to meet them prior to meet their client (your pre-employer);however,i think it's fairly wasting my time to meet the agencies and I want to attend the pre-employer's interview directly


What the BEST excuse will you make for refusing agency's pre-interview??

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I don't have any excuses for you, but I do question why you think you are so great you don't have to go through the standard process. Chances are these agencies just want to verify that you are on the level and everything you say you are on your resume is true prior to sending you off to your future employer. They don't want to embarrass themselves. Maybe you can do this over the phone with them? And what's the big deal anyway? Why not take 1/2 an hour and go through the process? Maybe you'll make some nice contacts along the way.


If you don't want to go through this process, I'd suggest you contact the employers directly. That way you never have to deal with these silly recruitment agencies and all of their silly red tape. They are there to help you. Maybe you should remember that before you try to slide past their procedures.

Some of the recruitment agencies need the candidates to meet them prior to meet their client (your pre-employer);however,i think it's fairly wasting my time to meet the agencies and I want to attend the pre-employer's interview directly


What the BEST excuse will you make for refusing agency's pre-interview??

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I agree with Clia.


When you go through a recruitment agency, you are often hired by THAT agency, not the place you will be working at. So then, you have to be interviewed by the recruitment agency, since they are the one hiring you.


They're not going to staff you out to another company without first interviewing you and making sure you meet their requirements. Would you??


So unless you can show them how talented and special you are so you don't have to interview, then you're pretty much stuck. And if you don't like it, don't go through a recruitment agency.

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as someone who has received a lot of work through agencies (temping, permanent employment etc), i think you have buckley's of getting an interview directly with the employer.


the reason a company hires an agency is so they can screen prospective employees. the agency are the people who work out if the candidate will be suitable for the company. it's simple protocol. if the company wanted to hire people directly, the wouldn't have gone through an agency in the first place.


also, you can be guaranteed with an agency that they will find a job that is very suitable for you. you can specify what wage you want, what size company you would prefer to work for, what kind of work you would like to be doing....and they will look for something that meets most of your needs.


i think if you were to confront the agency about speaking to the employer first, they wouldn't be too impressed....they'd consider it wasting their time and would probably look at you as if you have something hanging out of your nose.


good luck with the job hunting and give the agencies a shot :)

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