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lies, cheating, and saving a poor man from making a huge mistake.

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Okay...this is going to be pretty long so just try to bear with me


Well, I met this woman about nine months ago. Her and I talked for two months, then started dating, a few months later, we were saying I love you to one another. But about a month ago I heard from people that she knows that she is about to get married. I confronted her about it and she said that those were just rumors and that I have nothing to worry about and that she is in love with me. So this past Saturday morning this woman sent me a sweet little love email, telling me how much she loved me, and, you know, cute little love stuff. But that night a really good friend of mine that I know I can trust told me that he ran into an old high school buddy of his. He said he started talking to this guy and that this guy is getting married. Yep, you guessed it. He's marrying the woman that is supposedly in love with me. So I wrote an email to that woman the next day telling her that I wanted out and told her that she needs to get her sh*t together. Well, I wasn't that nice when I said it, but you know what I mean. So now I feel like I need to somehow talk to this guy and let him know about the woman that he is about to marry. I mean if he doesn't belive me, I have proof of what she's been saying to me because I have that email that she sent to me on Saturday morning. But the thing is, I don't know this guy and I don't know how he's going to react to this. I don't know if he's going to want to fight me or what. So should I follow through with it and try to save him from making a big mistake with this woman, or should I just let it go and let him figure it out for himself? Because neither of us were in love with her, he is, and I was, in love with her "representative". I now know the truth, but he doesn't. Fellas...help me out here. Ladies...do women do this sort of thing alot? Because this is the first, and hopefully the only time that this has ever happened to me. I mean, I was nothing but good to her, I swear! I showed her nothing but honesty, loyalty, and respect. I know that this poor man has done the same and she cheated on him with me. I had no way of knowing. So for some reason I feel like I need to let him know about what kind of woman she really is and that he's about to make a big mistake. God, help me! What do I do?

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Surely you don't really think that this is something that normal women frequently engage in? Of course it's not.


But I'm sorry it happened to you. You were very smart to cut it off with her as you did. Thank goodness you got out before things got any worse.


Should you warn the other guy? My first instinct is to say that no, you should mind your own business and let him find out on own. You heard rumors about this woman's other relationship, so I wouldn't be surprised if he's hearing them too. It sounds like this woman has spun quite a web and who knows what the real story is? If I were you I think I'd just want to stay as far away as possible from her and anything associated with her.


Are you wanting to tell him out of concern for him and the trouble that lies ahead if he marries this woman? Or are you wanting to get your revenge upon her for the turmoil and pain she has caused you? If you don't know with absolute certainty that revenge has no part in your motivation then I really don't think you should say anything. And consider that, even if your intentions are nothing but concern for the other guy, he might not thank you for your revelation. You really don't know what's going on between the two of them.


I'm sorry you got tangled up with such a piece of work. You're well out of it.

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Guaranteed I'd tell him. Would you want to know if you were going to make one of the biggest mistakes of your life? I think he has a right to know, then he can do what he wants with the information. Would you want to marry someone on the asumption she is the girl of your dreams only to find out she's a ruthless heartless cheating deceitful b*tch. I don't know how this guy feels but there are still some people that hold marriage as a sacred special thing what a sad thought that his first marriage (thats what it will be)will be on nothing but lies. How long do you think that will last anyways.


Do women do this sorta thing alot? I think you should be a little more realistic. It's obvious it can happen but it's pretty sad to sum up the entire female gender because you were taken for a sucker. Cheating and lies doesn't have a gender.


Good luck to you. You'll find a girl that deserves your love and affection.




Okay...this is going to be pretty long so just try to bear with me Well, I met this woman about nine months ago. Her and I talked for two months, then started dating, a few months later, we were saying I love you to one another. But about a month ago I heard from people that she knows that she is about to get married. I confronted her about it and she said that those were just rumors and that I have nothing to worry about and that she is in love with me. So this past Saturday morning this woman sent me a sweet little love email, telling me how much she loved me, and, you know, cute little love stuff. But that night a really good friend of mine that I know I can trust told me that he ran into an old high school buddy of his. He said he started talking to this guy and that this guy is getting married. Yep, you guessed it. He's marrying the woman that is supposedly in love with me. So I wrote an email to that woman the next day telling her that I wanted out and told her that she needs to get her sh*t together. Well, I wasn't that nice when I said it, but you know what I mean. So now I feel like I need to somehow talk to this guy and let him know about the woman that he is about to marry. I mean if he doesn't belive me, I have proof of what she's been saying to me because I have that email that she sent to me on Saturday morning. But the thing is, I don't know this guy and I don't know how he's going to react to this. I don't know if he's going to want to fight me or what. So should I follow through with it and try to save him from making a big mistake with this woman, or should I just let it go and let him figure it out for himself? Because neither of us were in love with her, he is, and I was, in love with her "representative". I now know the truth, but he doesn't. Fellas...help me out here. Ladies...do women do this sort of thing alot? Because this is the first, and hopefully the only time that this has ever happened to me. I mean, I was nothing but good to her, I swear! I showed her nothing but honesty, loyalty, and respect. I know that this poor man has done the same and she cheated on him with me. I had no way of knowing. So for some reason I feel like I need to let him know about what kind of woman she really is and that he's about to make a big mistake. God, help me! What do I do?
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Hey I'm sorry about summing up all women like that. I shouldn't think of it like that. She messed up, and I just decided that I'm going to let him figure it out if he doesn't know right now. I've actually met 3 women since this crazy little thing. So I'm already moving on. I'm just going to let this whole thing role off my back like water off of a duck! I'll find someone better because hell, I've dumped better. Well, thank you for the advise. And just because I met one crazy b*tch, doesn't mean that they are all like that!.

Guaranteed I'd tell him. Would you want to know if you were going to make one of the biggest mistakes of your life? I think he has a right to know, then he can do what he wants with the information. Would you want to marry someone on the asumption she is the girl of your dreams only to find out she's a ruthless heartless cheating deceitful b*tch. I don't know how this guy feels but there are still some people that hold marriage as a sacred special thing what a sad thought that his first marriage (thats what it will be)will be on nothing but lies. How long do you think that will last anyways. Do women do this sorta thing alot? I think you should be a little more realistic. It's obvious it can happen but it's pretty sad to sum up the entire female gender because you were taken for a sucker. Cheating and lies doesn't have a gender.


Good luck to you. You'll find a girl that deserves your love and affection. d

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