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What is a Friend?

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Myself and my long time friend went on a short vacation to see another long time friend who lives in Martinez CA. We live in ID. This person was always having problems in the past so I was surprised to hear she left her bf (whom I felt used her a deadbeat) got a good job and moved out of her moms to her own little house. Really proud of her. She wanted us to go see her place. So we get there long drive. She greets us in the driveway. As we hug she says “J is here! (We get along with J just did not like him w/her. She never told us he was there before arriving. I was thinking (we should just leave) and wanted to. Long story sorry.

So after being there for awhile she wants to take us out to this casino. Said it was 30 min away. It was one hour away. When we got there I went my own way (thinking this women has not changed shes been lying to us) 

As the night goes on I noticed my friend G kept giving money to everyone. Him and J played together and were winning and sharing. She told me I borrowed some money from G but I will pay him tomorrow. 

She went to work the next day fell asleep during a meeting and was in trouble. Came home looking dismayed told J to go look outside. The words “Pay me my money b****! Was painted on her house. Me: Lets go now.” G:But I have no money she has to pay me first!” Me: You are not going to get any money duh” 

we were going to see somebody in Boise as we headed home. I called a few friends whom helped us get out of there. But some guy was blocking us in. We kindly asked him to move he said when she pays me you can leave. My head exploded! 

to be continued

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Who's friendship are you questioning?   What has the woman you visited been lying about?  Why was G giving money to everyone?  Did you call the police about the guy who was refusing to let you leave?

So far, the whole thing sounds like a trainwreck

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I'm wondering if you're still trapped at the house in Martinez,  just typing away on your phone, or if you actually didn't survive the head exploding incident?    

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Sorry everyone we got out of there the following day never got money from her another friend sent us money to get to boise. Was a very beautiful drive from there to Boise. We had a blast with my friends. played spades and ate wonderful food got to see my friends new place. Two weeks after getting back home the girl in Martinez called G and asked him for money. he hung up on her. The nerve of some people. From what she told G she lost her job and place to live so she says shes back at her poor moms house! I personally dont believe her! 

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