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Why did she want me to meet her mom?

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Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but  please give me some advice. Thanks

So there's this woman I have known on and off for about 8 years we started off as co-workers and then acquaintances. As she was married I never pursued her out of respect. Me and her have kissed and engaged in sexual activities but stopped just short of intercourse as I felt the timing wasn't right or the environment. She was very upset and stated that she was vulnerable and that she was there naked for me, but I didn't do anything. I asked her if we could talk, but she refused and told me that she didn't want to see me at that moment. She also stated I wasn't present. The dymanics have definitely changed between us.

Fast forward I donated to her kid’s dance event as I own a company and she gave me the tickets to the event. I told her I would go. She turned her head and smiled, but then tried to hide it then started talking again, she asked me if I wanted to meet her mom. I go well I know you guys are busy and I don't want to keep you. That changed the subject and we started to talk again. Then she asked me again if I wanted to meet her mom. Her mom was in a different vehicle nearby. She stated the reason for meeting her is that she can ensure I don't get lost at the event and her mom knows what I look like as she will be behind the stage helping her daughter with makeup and her costumes. I go ahead and finally meet her mom, she stated that she had seen me at another place before. I know another family member of her’s that was going too.

I didn't end up going as I had to cover a shift and I told her this in advance and gave the tickets to a mutual friend of ours. I texted her and she did not reply at all. The mutual friend took pictures of the event. I posted them on social media. She responded with I have your program for the event. I get a random text message from a family member whom I know. He asked me if I was at the event as he saw someone that kind of looked like me, he knew it wasn't me, but he started to look for me. (weird) I told him no. Her family is very tight-knit. My name has been brought up in their conversations before as she has told me.

She texts me a few days after telling me she has a program for me, but she's at work. She told me I could come pick it up. My dumb self goes riding up there with a friend(male) she kept it short with her arms crossed. It was chilly and she had a jacket on - so who know

I don't know why she wanted me to meet her mom? Is it me or does it seem like she's upset that I didn't go to the event? Please give me some insight as I am oblivious.

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Is she still married?  If so, you would do well to steer clear. 

If she's single, she may have been signaling that she was interested in getting back together.  By introducing you to her mother, somebody who is important to her, whose approval she seeks, she was taking the idea of you two as a couple public.  She was probably hoping to spend more time with you at the event.  When you have the tickets away she took that as a sign of disinterest. 

All of this is speculation on my part.  The only way to know for sure is to have a frank conversation with her.  

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