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Feel like wife may have cheated.

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She has disrespected your you and your marriage. If the roles were reversed, how would she have reacted? If you do not respect yourself then who will?

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4 hours ago, Mike1990 said:

she also  blaming the cheating on me saying I made her feel like I didn’t love her and she needed to attention from this guy. I’ve literally changed my entire life to make my wife happy. I’ve moved away from family, got a better job, gave up hobbies and I feel like she’s never happy no matter what I’ve done. I’ve heard from people/family and they say she has been like that her whole life. Always everyone else’s fault and nothing anyone does is good enough

I’m sorry this has happened to you. The bright side here is that you are free from her now. You’ll find a good woman who will love, respect, and appreciate you. It’s not your fault that she cheated, it’s her fault and your bad luck. You’ve done the right thing. Don’t give up now.

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