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navigating a complicated relationship, I'm at a loss about what to do and how I can fix it?

confused in confused world

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confused in confused world

Hey everyone,

I'm in a bit of a tangled situation with a girl I've been involved with since December last year. We started off as friends with benefits, although it wasn't explicitly stated, but the spoken agreement not to see other people.

However, things got messy when I was still involved with another girl at the same time. I tried to end things with the other girl, but it was tough for one her side, and i felt bad for her i tried to ended and this not an explanation for my behaviour, but things ended messily when both girls found out about each other and im regretting this for my whole life.

After a lot of drama, I decided to pursue things with the girl I genuinely care about, who I'll call the "nerd girl." She was willing to give our relationship another shot, but she wanted something more serious than just casual sex that at time I couldn’t coz usually when it get serious i f*** things up.

However, things started to go downhill when she asked to see my phone twice. I refused the second time, feeling it was an invasion of privacy, and it led to more arguments. She became really depressed and questioned my trustworthiness and she asked for time to think.

Then a reach to her and we had a heart-to-heart, and I expressed my feelings for her, but she seemed shocked and unsure about where she stood. She mentioned needing more time to figure things out but i was like u had time and she said i want more time and i was like we need to figure things now she went I have feelings for u I don’t wanna lose u then I walked her home she said let’s stop this and she was crying, which left me feeling confused and frustrated.

In the next few days we met up in common area we go to. At first, I wasn't keen on talking or even saying hi. she tried to initiate contact, but I was still hurt and decided it was best to keep my distance. However, I soon regretted my decision and felt frustrated. Despite my attempts to reach out, she was understanding the situation, and i insisted on meeting only in head on head where we could be alone.

Eventually, we did meet, and I asked her to talk. During our conversation, she continued to express concerns about trust and the phone incident. We both admitted to feeling hurt, but she suggested it might be better for us to move on and in few month will finish our studies and move from the city and start anew.

And i said let me I finish speaking, then when I finished speaking she told me she needed time to think and would consult her sister, as she believed her friends' opinions of me are not in my favour . It's been a week since we last talked or met, as I've been hesitant to interact with her or with our circle.

I'm at a loss about what to do next. Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for reading

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confused in confused world
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