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Am I overreacting

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The bf of mine for almost 2 years has a young child by his ex. This has been hell she is so annoying. She impacts our relationship so much. She calls all the time when it’s her weekend to have him and through the week. BUT when he has him she will not call. She is immature minded. She will get mad at him for something and keep him away from my bf for a long time. Smh. She doesn’t work because she can’t pass a drug test and she is lazy. He pays for her rent and everything and it’s hurting us. He is irritable lots of times. I end up even helping pay for stuff with this woman….its so frustrating. Here is the kicker she is looking at eviction and she is asking to move in with him…she is kinda guilt tripping him into doing it…I already know if she moves with him I will not be going over there to see him. Our vibe would be off. I just don’t know what to do. Should I help him help her with money or leave this bs. 

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Well ... you kind of signed up for the baby mama when you got involved with a man who's a father.  So find some way to handle it with grace, or else move on.

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You’re right. Taking accountability I did sign up for it. I just thought I was having a man with a mature baby mother. But obviously not. 

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8 hours ago, FaithGracefulLove1 said:

 she is asking to move in with him…she is kinda guilt tripping him into doing it…I already know if she moves with him I will not be going over there to see him. 

Your BF seems to have no boundaries. If they are going to move back in together, it seems like time to rethink the situation. You seem like an enabler for their crazy relationship. It's unclear why you don't cut your losses. 

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10 hours ago, FaithGracefulLove1 said:

She will get mad at him for something and keep him away from my bf for a long time. Smh. She doesn’t work because she can’t pass a drug test and she is lazy.

Is social services involved? She sounds like an unfit mother. Who has the custody? It sounds like none of the parents have full custody of this child. 

I am sorry to say but your boyfriend sounds weak. If the mother is this unfit he should be seeking full custody of his child. 

If he lets her move in with him then the relationship should be over. He can take his son and she can go crash on someone else's couch. 

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Actually you sound like the 3rd wheel in the relationship.  No you shouldn't help him help her with money.  You didn't impregnate her and it's not your child.  If he let's her move in with him it's because he wants to, and you should break up.

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Possibly your BF is just a kind-hearted, compassionate person, and it looks like his ex is taking advantage of that. 

I think that helping her with money would be a very noble, magnanimous deed. It’s totally ok if you don’t do it, but I like it how you entertain that thought, you obviously care for your BF and you seem kind.

Moving in with him is where I’d draw the line. It’s just unhealthy and too ambiguous. 

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So hey everyone. This is kind of complicated situation but I’ll explain it best way I can. I was at my bf house yesterday and things were ok. Ugh I feel crazy typing this out but anywho. I downloaded monopoly go to my phone so my niece can play. Well he was showing me the game on his phone about how to play and he went to his friends list in there and I saw the name of a girl that he was having inappropriate conversation with in the past. He swore up and down it’s not her but I find it crazy to see the same name of the girl I had issues with in the past. I hope this is making sense. 
He started to be frantic about it and for some reason I found that funny. I felt he was lying to me and he kept on deflecting and trying to change the subject. Since my niece is friends with him in the monopoly app she was suggested to be friends with the same girl since my bf had her as a friend on there. I feel suspicious because one she is his friend on there and two he was so so frantic about it. I know this may sound foolish but I really need help on to let it go but keep a mental note or what. I hope I didn’t confuse anyone lol

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His reaction says it all and the monopoly algorithm also got it right.

Time to change boyfriend.

You know the saying: fool me once.....

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