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Sister makes me feel guilty when babysitting for her


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So my sister and I are best best friends. We both have toddler girls around the same age. I'm a stay at home Mom and she is a teacher. So a couple times a week she'll have me babysit her daughter. Well she came down with a bad cold and I told her sorry, I won't babysit if she's sick because when I've done that in the past, my kids my husband and me all caught what she had and I don't want to risk us getting sick again. Well she brought her over anyways and put me on a guilt trip saying "well wtf am I supposed to do, I have no one else to babysit" "sorry it's such a burden to watch her" "don't worry I'll never ask you to babysit again after this!" And I'm like...um it's not my responsibility. It's your responsibility to either find another sitter, or call off and get a substitute for your class. And she said she needs the money, she can't call off. So it's like she's blaming me for having to call off. Except she didn't call off she brought her over here and said her daughter was 100% better but she sounds worse than she did over the weekend. And now my 2 year old woke up with a runny nose. My mom sticks up for her and says "well if it was you she would help you out" and they both say I have no excuse not to babysit because I'm a stay at home Mom and have all the free time in the world. What a joke! What would you do?!?

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Your sister and mom are treating you unfairly.  It most certainly is not your responsibility to take care of your sister's child, especially if she is sick and putting your family at risk.  Why couldn't your mother watch your niece?  What about your sister's husband, could he watch her?   If not, there are babysitters.

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She said she'll never ask you to babysit again. Good, make sure she sticks to that. Next time tell her to take a day off work to look after her own child, it's her responsibility, not yours, and her loss of income isn't your problem. It's an act of kindness to help out other family members when you reasonably can, not a set-in-stone obligation. 

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I  am an older member. More experienced

the hotel is nothing.  We all forget texts eventually. The cousin is different

She did not remember she just spoke to him? Or maybe it occured to her that the cousins son

Did not remember her later after the talk. When was the last time they spoke?  Did they know each other well?

If this is all. Don't worry.or over react. No need to see a doctor.    If she does not recognize you

Then see a doctor fast.  Not all seniors suffer memory loss or decline. Some are very sharp but

Occasionally forgetful. There are people who are forgetful ALL their lives who are otherwise normal

In my family



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