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What can I do in this situation?


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What should I do

I'm 23 and the girl I like is 32 she went to my house for work purposes and tried to pull a move on me in my room I knew what she was trying to do but didn't do anything about it later that day I told her that I would rather end my life than be with her as a joke but I know now that she definitely didn't think of it as a joke I then later asked her if she used to like me that was my way of confessing my feelings but I'm pretty sure she thought that I was trying to see if if she liked me and she didn't respond months later I told her that I shouldn't have said that I would rather end my life than be with her I was thinking about telling her I liked her but I feel that she's gonna think that I'm just feeling guilty and I'm not being real I want to know what I could do to show her that I was just joking and I'm being real and that I do really like her and I am not confused.

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You also have another thread going in reverse.  Please be truthful and you'll get more help.

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