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I've been dating a guy for 6 ,5 months and he says he is still figuring things out with me is he taking me seriously?

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Im dating a 34 YO German guy,im 31 , he is emotionally cold and very sttubborn person thar always want to make his way and never accept a comment  

I know we are exclusive, he doesn't talk with any other woman and we share a lot of quality time together, our communication is ok most of the time.

We started to become a couple last week after 6 months of dating 

Yesterday we have an argument because after the cinema we were going to get food,he knew i could not walk much because i have a lot pain in my legs due to exercise,  i asked him to go for my food,he slammed the car door on my face and got me the food 

Then we have a big argument about where his attitude did come from, I think he got angry because he had to spend on me about $17 d the food but I usually invite him over for dinner twice per week so in the weekend is his turn, however i asked him if he was mad about it but he said it was not about the money but about me demanding things, he was expecting me to tell him more politely to pick up the food but at any point i was demanding i was just sick and he knew that.

Then we arrived to his house and i told him i didn't want to leave the car until we talk about the issue, he said he wont discuss more and he did let me alone in the car, I then called him and asked him to  bring my bag from his house and take me home (i was not driving on the weekend  because i was sick but i usually drive to  his house  every weekend) so he took me home

Then he didn't talk to me for about 6 hours, I have to call him at 9pm to see if he wanted to talk face to face , we live 4 mins away from each other, he didn't want to come to my place but finally accepted

Then during the discussion i feel he was trying to gaslighting me ,he says I'm taking him from granted because he did a lot for me on the weekend  (he invited me to a bar on Saturday night and cinema on sunday) but  on Saturday night i told him how grateful i was for him picking me up in my house as i was sick, the same week i cooked for him twice,  bought him expensive chocolates and made us dessert so I dont think im taking him for granted

Also in May was our 6 months anniversary, i bought him an air purifier while  he did not get me anything, i was cool with that and didn't care much.

He also says he is still figuring things ,

out with me, 

Is that normal for a german guy ?

I m spanish im more used to the warm people, however this guy seems to be  honest and someone that i can trust

I dont know what to do,our sex is bad,im usually initiating the sex 

I dont know if i should break up with him, dating is very hard nowadays and my only way to meet people is online, i dont want to come back to that nightmare but i also dont feel very happy with this guy

Any advise?the things that more concern me is that he is probably not taking me seriously as he is still figuring things out although we become official a week ago.


Thanks for your advise.

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Posted (edited)

Dating the wrong guy just cause you don't want to get back on dating sites is not a good excuse. He's cold, sex is bad, he feels you take him for granted, he slams door in your face, how much more do you need to break up?

Dating is hard, life is hard, work is hard, what's easy in life? Nothing. Put in the efforts, know what you want in a man, and don't stop until you find him. Don't date cold fish.

Edited by Gaeta
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My goodness, the guy is a petty, cold, unexciting douche. Love yourself and dump him without the slightest hesitation. 


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1 hour ago, catalina2 said:

dating is very hard nowadays and my only way to meet people is online, i dont want to come back to that nightmare but i also dont feel very happy with this guy

Yes, you need to end it. 

You two are not a match. It's not better to be in a bad relationship than it is to be on your own and free to meet someone more compatible. It clearly isn't really working for either one of you. 

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5, 6 months? man you don't wait that long. The right man knows within weeks he's with the one he wants to be with. Dump this chump. 

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Stay single until you find a man who treats you with respect. This one doesn't respect you.  Don't be afraid to be alone until you find what you're looking for or you'll be sorry.

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