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hey..okay i need help wid something..ok my man nd i like eacother..well we really not in a relationship right now...but wut i need help wid isz dat he is so shyy i dont noe how to get rid of his shyness...cusz of him being shy we cant even keep up wid the convo so i think i shud help him keep up wid it but sometimez i just run out of thingz to say so i need ur help..how can i get him to keep up wid a convo nd get rid of his shyness...thankxx

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bombard your guy with questions and lots of em. also talk about everything that affected your day and all that. simply treat him like hes your personal diary, tell him everything then ask him what he thinks or what he would do in your situation.


guys who are shy are too afraid to say something stupid or embarrassing...and because of their fear of being awkward they usually do come off as being awkward. The more you get him to break his shell the more confident and better your relationship and conversations will be.


i thankfully broke this shyness barrier during 6th grade, when i met my first g/f during an art class. we were partners for making paper mache masks of each other and because of how long it takes to do paper maches...it meant that we spent a whole lot of time with each other. mind you that these paper mache masks were being molded directly from our faces so one person was sitting down while the other was doing the face molding. my partner (now ex-g/f) would always talk and ask me questions and slowly yet surely i started becoming more at ease and more comfortable talking to her. i guess just being able to be comfortable with her lead to a relationship that lasted for two years (she moved during 8th grade, out of state). but because of how her persistence and interest in what i had to say behind my old reclusive self, she helped me to start becoming more confident as a person.

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