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I don't know what to do!

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First off, I don't normally ask for help, but when it comes to relationship advice, I need it. 

My story is long but I will try to shorten it without leaving any important info out. So I have been going to a bar/club for 12 years now and I have met many of people and have made tons of friends. I have seen many of people walk through those doors and I'm well know for my kind-heart, work ethic, etc... Anyway, 7 years ago, a new waitress started and I asked a close friend/employee who the new girl was because she was beautiful! (She still is!!!) Well, he told me she was taken and had been with the guy for many years and they had a kid together! Well he became very abusive to her over the years and she eventually left him. Over the past 3 years her and I became close friends and she is now dating another close friend of mine who told me he has liked her for a long time! They have not been dating for a year yet and they are already having problems. I know because she tells me! Her and I have some of the deepest conversations together! We are so close that we trust each other with our deepest secrets and most personal problems! We always encourage each other in all aspects of life! We give each other advice when needed and are always there for each other when we need someone to talk to or to have a shoulder to cry on. I love having our talks! They are the highlights to my day! The way she looks at me with a gorgeous smile on her face that will bring the devil to his knees!!! I want to respect her relationship that she is in with my buddy! But my coworker and his wife are telling me that I should tell her how I feel. They say that she has feelings for me and I have feelings for her (which I do). One of her coworkers who is my closed friends even told me that he has watched our conversations and our body language towards each other that we click like crazy! I just don't  know if I should tell her the way I feel because I don't want to lose her from my life but at the same time all I want for her is nothing but happiness! She deserves more then the world; she deserves the universe!!!

Please help me! I've got one of the biggest hearts! I have an endless amount of heart to give but very little to break!!! Thank you for any and all advice in advance! 

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You could tell her how you feel, but if she’s a respectful girlfriend, she will distance herself from you out of respect for him.  I think it’s better to wait until she’s single.  And don’t discount the idea that she may be the type who likes to complain but is happy to stay anyway

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If she has romantic feelings for you, why is she dating your friend and not you?

I wouldn’t jump to any conclusions right now if I were you.

And I don’t think it’s the right time to tell her. I’d rather advise you to reduce the time you spend with her. Wait till she is single and then just ask her out if you still have feelings for her at that point.

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You could tell her to get it off your chest, but if she is with someone she wont be with you. I dont think so at least. Plus you might even scare her away.

Leave things like that, at least you have a friend you can trust.

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