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Need Advice..

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Alright..theres a girl that i met about 2 months ago and she tells me alot..she had a boyfriend who is my Best friend (i know this is probably confuesing) but anyway this girl talks to me about alot of stuff when they were going out, like should i break up with him..i don't really like him anymore. And i said i don't know you have to make the descion. But inside i was saying yes. Well about 3 days ago her Boy friend broke up with her and now she misses him and wants him back. But i think she will move on soon. Ok so what do i do? i like this girl alot and she hangs out around me alot at school and she has asked me to go over to her house a couple times with my friends and i have. I'm not sure if she likes me and i really really want her to know that i like her. But i also no that i need to give her time to get over this. Then there is my Friend, i really don't want him to be mad at me for asking her out, so i plan on asking him if its ok before i do ask her. If he says no then i'll wait, but if he says yes i'm going for it. I think she knows i like her..i just dont' know when the right time to let her know i like her should be. I know it will hurt if she says i don't like you but i will just go back to being her friend and move on..anybody got any advice on what i should do? i like this girl alot!


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