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Need Advice..

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Alright..theres a girl that i met about 2 months ago and she talks to me alot..she had a boyfriend who is my Best friend (i know this is probably confuesing) but anyway when this girl was going out with him she talked to me about alot of stuff she was having a hard time with, like should i break up with him..i don't really like him anymore. And i said i don't know you have to make the descion. But inside i was saying yes. Well about 3 days ago her Boy friend broke up with her and now she misses him and wants him back. But i think she will move on soon. Ok so what do i do? i like this girl alot and she hangs out around me alot at school and she has asked me to go over to her house a couple times with my friends and i have. I'm not sure if she likes me and i really really want her to know that i like her. But i also no that i need to give her time to get over this. Then there is my Friend, i really don't want him to be mad at me for asking her out, so i plan on asking him if its ok before i do ask her. If he says no then i'll wait, but if he says yes i'm going for it. I think she knows i like her..i just dont' know when the right time to let her know i like her should be, How long should i wait?. I know it will hurt if she says i don't like you but i will just go back to being her friend and move on..anybody got any advice on what i should do? i like this girl alot!


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