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Girlfriend cheating

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So I recently took a bit of time out from my girlfriend. We where engaged and after 2 week she had started to talk to people on dating site. She has in past sent me screenshot ls of her talking to men to get a reaction.

She come clean that she had slept with this person. She drove 35 mins away to meet him at his flat after video calling him for 5 days(her version of events)


She slept with me day after and assured me she wore a condom with this bloke only later on to tell me she didn't l. I love this girl to pieces and and this has really hit me hard

 I have no friends or family to talk to about this hence why writing on here. I want to move past this but struggling. Everytime she sends me pictures I think is this what you was doing with him?if I bring it up it causes arguments.

This is so out of character for her but carnt help think this has happened before.do I really know her?do I believe her?3 years and engaged to be married and this happens.

By doing what she has I feel IV lost a piece of myself that Il never get back. 


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It's over. 

Women that respect their man do not cheat on them, period. 

This is 3 years, it's a drop in the ocean. Of course breaking up will hurt but the hurt will be temporary and you will move on and love again. If you stay you will never feel again the way you used to feel before the cheating. It will be a cloud over your head for years maybe forever.

Think about it, she had your engagement ring for 2 weeks and started hooking up with strangers. Doesn't that tell you where her heart is? 

Then to add on top of this she has unprotected sex with a stranger and had sex with you after, exposing you to all sorts of STI. How much you think she respects you again?

Edited by Gaeta
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This should all tell you that you have now learned who she really is.  She is not someone you should even be thinking about marrying.  It's time to end this relationship for good.

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1 hour ago, tbone24 said:

I feel I’ve lost a piece of myself that I’ll never get back. 

I’m sure you are very shocked and disappointed right now. 

That said, a relationship simply can’t recover from this kind of disrespect. The only thing left for you to do is end it. 

She doesn’t love you or respect you - if she did, she would never have done this. 

Tell her that you are done. Call up some buddies and go for a pint. Hit the gym. Find yourself a counsellor. And when you are ready, find a girl and ask her out for a drink. There are so many wonderful women who would never treat you this way… no need to settle for someone who does…

Edited by BaileyB
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3 hours ago, tbone24 said:

This is so out of character for her

No, it isn't. What is it you're pretending not to know about her? 

3 hours ago, tbone24 said:

She has in past sent me screenshot ls of her talking to men to get a reaction.

Get rid of a woman who does this. She has zero respect for you and does not love you at all. She is mean and overall a bad person for you. Let her go bang whomever she wants while you heal and find a good woman. This one is awful. 

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Get tested, then move on. You are never going to tame her, and whilst it’s easier said than done.. move on mate.

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A woman who loves you would never do what that girl did to you. This is not the kind of person you should marry. Three years isn’t much at all, you haven’t lost anything, you have plenty of time to find a good woman who won’t cheat on you. Break up with that girl now, don’t regret and don’t look back. 

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8 hours ago, tbone24 said:

So I recently took a bit of time out from my girlfriend. We where engaged and after 2 week she had started to talk to people on dating site. She has in past sent me screenshot ls of her talking to men to get a reaction.

She come clean that she had slept with this person. She drove 35 mins away to meet him at his flat after video calling him for 5 days(her version of events)


She slept with me day after and assured me she wore a condom with this bloke only later on to tell me she didn't l. I love this girl to pieces and and this has really hit me hard

 I have no friends or family to talk to about this hence why writing on here. I want to move past this but struggling. Everytime she sends me pictures I think is this what you was doing with him?if I bring it up it causes arguments.

This is so out of character for her but carnt help think this has happened before.do I really know her?do I believe her?3 years and engaged to be married and this happens.

By doing what she has I feel IV lost a piece of myself that Il never get back. 


She's showing you who she really is now: an immature psycho who doesn't care about you one bit.

Its hard because you are probably in love with her and invested years of your life on this relationship, but it's time to let go and not waste any more of your time on someone who treats you like dirt.

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Walk away, think about what your married life would be with this person, you will always wonder if you can trust her and the way I see it that's a very bad thing in any relationship.

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Here's an angle you all have missed. You took some 'time out' from your girlfriend. To many women that is an insult and hurtful. She decided that it was over for her, and also she wanted to hurt you by sending screenshots and telling you what she did. And lying about the condom etc. That is a woman getting  revenge in my book

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On 7/9/2024 at 11:25 AM, tbone24 said:

3 years and engaged to be married and this happens.

3 years and engaged and you're taking "time out".   Who does this?   

I'm on team GF.   You'd already broken the relationship by walking away from her, so this was just a big FU coming back your way

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I was in a not too disimilar situation a few years ago. I lived with my ex, she broke up with me out of the blue one day so I moved out etc. I said I'd have like to have worked things out but she refused to meet me so I let it go. I later found out that she had been cheating on me with a guy who I had suspicions about. She tried to talk to me once since then and I was incredibly short with her. It's not worth the drama to go back to someone like that.

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