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I am unsure if I made the right decision maybe I was too harsh?

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I met this girl 3 months ago on a dating app we talked online for about a month and a half and I never had such easy conversations with someone online before. We really seemed to understand each other. While we were at the first talking stage she was finishing her bachelors degree but she suggested that after she will want to meet me. So after she was done we made plans. I came to her town which took me 3 hours with a bus. We really hit it off. I felt a really great connection on the first date. So much so that she suggested we should meet tomorrow as well. So we did and we had a really nice time. We really had a similar sense of humor and liked a lot of the same things like music and foods. Later after a week she invited me on a 3 day fishing trip with her friends. I accepted and we really had a nice time we even got intimate the first few days like touching and cuddling. The day before we had to leave we even did some sexual things at night, not sex but some sexual things which I have never done with a girl the 2nd time I met her. After she dropped me up after the trip I kissed her, since I understood that we already did more. It seemed like it was the appropriate time to do it. She wanted it since she was blushing so much.

After we split our ways we really seemed to like each other even more. We were telling each other we miss each other. We suggested that this is leading to something serious. She told me that to her I am not just for fun and she cares for me and that's it. Which I still remember to this day that she texted me that. At that point I was really into this and was just so amazed that things were going to well. She even told her parents that she's seeing me she said. My parents knew as well since I was staying with them at the time before moving again. So telling parents is definitely a sign of a serious relationship. During this time away from each other she suggested she wants to come to my town and later when I asked her she also suggested she wants to meet my parents. We setup the plans and she told me she is very excited. Up until two days before she had to visit me she was exactly the same. Two days before she started acting a bit distant. Replying way less and such. Being vague about her day as before she wasn't this was weird. She even acknowledged that herself without me bringing it up. Which was a big thing since it means she's aware. 

It didn't matter at the end of the day since when the day supposed day that she had to come came she did not come nor inform me she won't come. The  next day she texted me that her dog is really sick right now (which i knew about) and that her financial situation was terrible but that she does like me and really misses me a lot. She also did say she was postponing telling me about not coming to my town the first time because she deals with depression. I do really understand how it can be overwhelming since I do suffer myself. I told her that it's fine and she should've let me know upfront instead of dragging it out and that I can come see her myself if she still wants to hang out this week. She did not really respond much besides saying things that did not matter. So she did not make herself clear but as I said we already had talked that this is not just a joke for us both. So I told her what day I am coming and if she still wants to meet me still I am coming on day X and 13AM and if she wants it she will be there. I bought flowers and came where I told her I would come she did come and picked me up. She instantly initiated the kiss and we really did spend a good time again. Later during this date we even talked about the issues that came up and she said that she does like and does like hanging out with me but that she doesn't want to forget herself since she's trying to improve herself a lot right now and that she tends to forget herself in a relationship. She also stated that she is not interested n seeing other guys and that I am the only one that can lead to something more serious. It also did seem like her previous relationship that ended about 6 months ago was still affecting her quite a bit from the conversation. I suggested that I would be ready to commit now but did not outright say that. She said that she wants to get to know me more right now. (but she was acting more and more distant as of recent so idk and before she was saying she's serious about me. So she was backtracking). I said I could wait and hang around no problem (which probably was a mistake since i did not know her that well too so maybe i should've just agreed to be honest. But I was just trying to stick to my word that I said this is pretty serious for me as well as I stay true to my word always). We also discussed that if another instance that gets messed up comes around we will call each other. So after that we just hung out like always and had quality time. When she dropped me off we kissed and she told me like 5 times during the date that she will come and see me tomorrow. She said that since I moved closer to her because of a job offer for the summer. I did move for the job not because of her just for clarity.

After we parted ways she seemed to text similarly like at the start. But as time came closer to her having to come to me again she disappeared for five days. Later she texted me on Facebook which was very odd since we always talked on Instagram. She asked if I was okay. And I said that I wouldn't know and she should tell me. She did not reply for the whole day and I was really stressed and confused and hurt so I called her but she instantly declined. But said that she will reply and that she was in a job meeting right now but it was 9PM so it seemed suspicious. I told her to call me and she said that if her brother was not home when she came back she will. ( she does live with her brother I did know that but I don't understand how it can affect the ability to call me). I said that she will call me if she wants to. Then she asked me how my new job is going. I told her that if she wants to know anything she needs to call. She said "oh okay". I did not say anything else but the next day she texted me that her phone died on the way home and when she put it to charge she fell asleep. Which seemed like more excuses. At this point I was really emotionally struggling I wrote down what I wanted to say and I sent a voice message expressing it. I pretty much said that if she wants to talk about this she can call me. And that she shouldn't be promising me things she wont do. And we can have a chat as adults and if she doesn't we should continue as acquaintances. She told me that she was getting back from work and that she will listen to this when she gets back. I was pretty fed up with her dodging the issue so I said "I doubt it". Later she said that she was at her sisters place to shower. Which was unrelated and I did not reply. It's been almost two days. I do really like her but I do feel hurt by her flakiness. I am fine with slowing things down and I don't know if I should've been so harsh but it was really painful for me that she flaked after offering to visit since I did not even force her or suggest she should. I am unsure on what to do or if there's even a point in saying anything to her since I don't really understand if she cares or not at this point. I dont even know if he listened to it...

This was my first real "relationship" after breaking my engagement with my ex-fiance 3 years ago. So I understand it got a bit too fast going through all this in only 3 months I do really get that. But that's why it's painful I really just want and honest person that understands me. She really seemed like she was like that until her flakiness began. I dont know what I should do...

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