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I’m a healthy single 57 years old man, married for 12 yrs divorced for 14 yrs. I’ve had many relationships in the past and never had any problems attracting women .  Recently it feels like women have no interest in me anymore! What do you think I should do? 

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Simple. You are nearing 60. The women you maybe trying to attract might be more interested in men a bit younger. A lot of the women I talk to in their late 50's and into their 60's+ are becoming more interested in men 10/15/20 or more years younger. It's not rocking the cradle anymore with a person in their 30's or 40's.

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1 hour ago, S2B said:

Focus on your marriage! Why would it matter if other women find you attractive.

what is the marriage like?

why does your other thread you started say you are dating someone long distance?  Are you cheating on your wife?

I understood that he was married for 12 and then divorced.  Has now been divorced 14 years

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15 hours ago, Alfa1 said:

I’m a healthy single 57 years old man, married for 12 yrs divorced for 14 yrs. I’ve had many relationships in the past and never had any problems attracting women .  Recently it feels like women have no interest in me anymore! What do you think I should do? 

Start off by making a decision either way about the woman you're in a (not) long distance relationship with.  

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15 hours ago, Alfa1 said:

 Recently it feels like women have no interest in me anymore! What do you think I should do

Women in their 50s are looking for some depth in men. As per your last thread you might want to work a bit in that department.

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7 minutes ago, Gaeta said:

Women in their 50s are looking for some depth in men. As per your last thread you might want to work a bit in that department.

The title of this thread further supports your theory

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It just depends on what kind of relationship he is looking for and what types of women he is trying to attract are looking for. If he is looking for a relationship himself and going after women looking for the same than he indeed probably does need to show a bit more depth.

If he is mainly looking for fun and trying to attract women looking for the same well many of those woman aren't going to be looking for that from a man nearing his 60's (unless he is looking for women nearing their 80's).

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Hmmm.  The dating landscape has probably changed since you were last single. With the rise of online dating and dating apps, it's easier than ever for people to meet potential partners, but it also means that people have more options and can be more selective. So, it's possible that it's not necessarily that women have no interest in you, but rather they may have more options and are taking longer to decide on a potential partner.

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4 minutes ago, Alpacalia said:

Hmmm.  The dating landscape has probably changed since you were last single. With the rise of online dating and dating apps, it's easier than ever for people to meet potential partners, but it also means that people have more options and can be more selective. So, it's possible that it's not necessarily that women have no interest in you, but rather they may have more options and are taking longer to decide on a potential partner.

Yep and if he is talking online he is probably running into women who are flat out refusing to talk to any guys over a certain age no matter how they are presenting themselves. I hear that same story over and over again when I talk to women online 'that they simply aren't attracted to men their own age. 

If he is talking online it's very likely he is trying to talk to women who are talking to men in their 30's and 40's. Who do you think is going to stand out more to a very sexual 50 something year old lady within the online world. A 57 year old man or a hot 35 year old that she could potentially live out a few fantasies with.

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11 minutes ago, Sony12 said:

Yep and if he is talking online he is probably running into women who are flat out refusing to talk to any guys over a certain age no matter how they are presenting themselves. I hear that same story over and over again when I talk to women online 'that they simply aren't attracted to men their own age. 

If he is talking online it's very likely he is trying to talk to women who are talking to men in their 30's and 40's. Who do you think is going to stand out more to a very sexual 50 something year old lady within the online world. A 57 year old man or a hot 35 year old that she could potentially live out a few fantasies with.

Well, it depends on what she's looking for. If she's just looking for a fling, then sure, the younger guy may be more attractive. But if she's looking for a long-term relationship, then it's likely that she'll be more interested in someone closer to her age who shares similar life experiences and goals. Every person is different and has different preferences, so it's impossible to make a blanket statement about what all women want.

The key is to be confident in yourself and not let anyone's narrow-minded views affect your self-worth. You'll find someone who appreciates you for who you are. 

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3 minutes ago, Alpacalia said:

Well, it depends on what she's looking for. If she's just looking for a fling, then sure, the younger guy may be more attractive. But if she's looking for a long-term relationship, then it's likely that she'll be more interested in someone closer to her age who shares similar life experiences and goals. Every person is different and has different preferences, so it's impossible to make a blanket statement about what all women want.

The key is to be confident in yourself and not let anyone's narrow-minded views affect your self-worth. You'll find someone who appreciates you for who you are. 


True. I have my doubts though that a person who starts a thread that he titles 'chick magnet' is focusing on women looking for something long term.

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1 minute ago, Sony12 said:


True. I have my doubts though that a person who starts a thread that he titles 'chick magnet' is focusing on women looking for something long term.

LOL. Touché 😂

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9 hours ago, Sony12 said:


True. I have my doubts though that a person who starts a thread that he titles 'chick magnet' is focusing on women looking for something long term.

This is it. I think OP has to accept the party is probably over because as you said any woman sleeping around at 50 is probably going to go for guys in their 30s or even 20s.

So the question is does OP want a long term relationship or is he going to desperately look for a way back into the singles game?

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1 hour ago, FredEire said:

This is it. I think OP has to accept the party is probably over because as you said any woman sleeping around at 50 is probably going to go for guys in their 30s or even 20s.

So the question is does OP want a long term relationship or is he going to desperately look for a way back into the singles game?

Yep. I'm hooking up with a lady 21 years older than me this weekend and was talking on the phone with a lady 27 years older than me last night (though as of now we are agreeing we probably won't be meeting and it will just be a flirting situation between us due to the distance between us). Women these days have opportunities available to them with younger men and many of those younger men will have a lot more sex appeal in their eyes than a guy nearing his 60's will. 

If he is looking for a way back into the singles game he probably needs to adjust who he is going after. Probably women in their 60's and 70's. Though unfortunately some of them will be even more prone to get together with a guy thirty years younger than a lady in her 50's will. So he'd still be competing with guys in their 30's and 40's.

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