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"Just a squirrel trying to get a nut!!"

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I was on the phone talking with a friend and she was asking me for some advice about her and her h!! She asked me if when me and my h had sex did he go first or did i? I asked her why and she said ,whenever her and h will have sex majority of the time he will not let her finish and he will get his nut first and forget about her!! She was tired of this happening all the time so she got what they call the bullet ,so when they had sex she got her too!! Do this happen to all women are some? Are men selfish in bed and all they care about is pleasing their selves and forget the women ? I have had this happen to me on occasions and it pisses me off ,but it isn't alot!!! My friend said she knows her h can last longer because he done it before!! Just curious to see what women and men both say!!

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Well I may be way off base here, but it seems to me either her husband simply doesn't care if she get hers or not, and is being selfish, or perhpas he has some kind lack of control over how long he goes/lasts etc. Perhaps he is overly horny, too much foreplay or something that just causes him to go quick. If its not a control issue and he does know how to control it, then sounds like its pure selfishness. Probably a good thing your friend got herself the bullet. Has she asked him why he doesn't let her finish or get hers first? If so, whats his answer to that?






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If the fellow is busting his nut and then ignoring his lady, that's a good way to drive a pretty serious wedge in a relationship. Besides, he's missing out on 80% of the fun! To me personally, there are few things more erotic than watching her back arch and her toes curl, feeling her muscles tremble and hearing her gasp.


down boy, down!

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I have to say of all of the @ssholes that I've dated, all of them were concerned about my getting off and they were even more concerned during the times that I didn't. Probably more of an ego thing than anything else but I could see most of them changing their tune once they were married or with someone for a long period of time.

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Are men selfish in bed and all they care about is pleasing their selves and forget the women ?

Look LILMOMA...for most women it takes a long time to orgasm, assuming they can even orgasm at all. If the tables were turned and most women could orgasm in two minutes and most men took 30 minutes (if at all) you'd probably have a lot of "selfish" women running around.

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Alot of times, NOT ALL the time, but some men that can control when they orgasm, but choose not to, is because they do not really want an emotional connection with their lady. The do want to just get their "nut". That way theres no real feelings involved, they just do their business and their done. It might be a good idea to get to the root of why he feels the need to just get his "nut" and not care about yours. My guess is, he doesn't want that intimate emotional connection, and if thats the case, he could lay down with anybody and get a "nut." Its basically meaningless.

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Yeah and have to agree with you on that Jack!!! My friend was telling me she thought the same thing also was with her h !! She said they haven't been much on an emotional connection since he was cheating on the puter with some girl!! I know when me and h are connecting he won't last either !! Especially when we been at each other for months and not getting along!! When we are he can go for a long time !! It has been awhile since he done that just wanted to see what people thought!! My friend was talking with me and asked was it normal and wanted peoples view to see!!

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