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Why are so many girls still single?

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i recognized that it has been increasing in number of gals at late 20's or early 30's still single or have no bf. Is it the reason that guys have more choices..?

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i think the reason depends on the women. your question of whether the guys have more choices might be a reason. the percentage of women to men is in men's favor, i.e. there are more women than men. another possible reason is that women of nowadays decide to stay single for a number of reasons, maybe they have pursued their own goals at the expense of a relationship or marriage. we are no longer in the june cleaver days when a women's choice was to be married by age 20 or 30 and be a stay at home homemaker or wife . women of nowadays have choices. the question might also be turned back to the men why do men decide to stay single rather than be in a relationship or marry. men choose to date rather then be in any long term relationship is there are reason for this? please comment

i recognized that it has been increasing in number of gals at late 20's or early 30's still single or have no bf. Is it the reason that guys have more choices..?
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The exact individuals who are single or who have no boyfriends varies from day to day, depending on when surveys are taken. Your post presupposes that just because someone is single or without a boyfriend on one day, they are that way forever.


Learn how to analyze statistics. Many of those surveyed may have just broken up with a guy the day or week before. Others may start seeing someone a day or week after the survey. Polls and surveys are a lot of bunk!


Women don't need boyfriends to be happy. Many prefer to take their time to find the right person to make a part of their life. People are getting smarter.


A lot of man and women wait until later for marriage because our society has advanced. More career opportunities are open to women so they don't have to marry for purposes of support. Sex is far more open today than in the past so that is no reason to marry either.


Biologically speaking, many thinking people realize there are quite enough people on the planet, with more than a third starving so procreation is no longer such a mandate.


Women's biological clocks don't usually start ticking really loud until early to mid 30's.


People are more educated about relationships these days and are much less apt, in many cases, to settle for dysfunctional ones or ones that don't promise to fulfill anticipated lifetime needs.


There are lots of reasons for waiting to get married and not many for getting married young. Falling in love is easy as hell...staying that way IS a hell of a lot of work. More people are finding that out.


This is all pretty easy to figure out. Did you give it any thought at all?

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Well yes. That and also that I think the ratio is now about three women to every man, something like that? I maybe wrong but last I heard that is what the ration of men to women was. I do think there are still a lot of single men out there though, and I will find them! Marz on the prowl! ha haha. :)

i recognized that it has been increasing in number of gals at late 20's or early 30's still single or have no bf. Is it the reason that guys have more choices..?
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YOU SAID," Women's biological clocks don't usually start


ticking really loud until early to mid 30's."


For the first born, i though they would go off AT 35.


So we take in the time to find a suitable mate,the time to get a relationship going,relationship maturing,marriage,then plan to have kids,pregnacy,etc.Shouldn't the lead time to the actual give birth time of 35 (to avoid increased chance of abnormal baby) be a lot earlier? Shouldn't the biological clock tick louder around early 30s?

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YOU ASK: "Shouldn't the biological clock tick louder around early 30s?"


I'm not understanding why you asked this question since I said, as you you quoted me, "Women's biological clocks don't usually start ticking really loud until early to mid 30's."


What should happen and what does happen are two different things. You'll have to debate this with mother nature, not me. I would think that late 20's to early 30's would be the period of time most likely for the biological clock to go off.


In the case of news anchorwoman Connie Chung, because of an active career with NBC and later CBS News her biological clock did not start to roar until she was in her early 40's. She was not able to conceive with husband Maury Povich and they happily adopted.


Chung and other similar experiences would indicate that intensity of career may serve to delay the clock for a period of time. Notice, too, that women are safely bearing children at later ages...and putting off births until later generally.


In many females, and males as well, the call to reproduce never summons. There are many factors that cause people not to have a desire to have children. In addition to free will, for instance, women's biological clocks fail to go off because of abuse or other anxiety-ridden trauma associated with childhood. The individual would subconsciously not want to subject offspring to the possibility of that same sort of pain.


Others would want children and go out of their way to spare their offspring from experiencing the same kind of pain or trauma.


This subject is way too difficult to discuss in a forum because there is just too much subject matter to advance.

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Don't know if this is a documented fact or not, but I can tell you from a personal standpoint, and speaking for my many female friends who are single, its because we are more socially and economically independant. We can now afford to take our time and be selective about the partners we choose.


In the past, it was viewed that women should marry and become housewives and mothers before they became "old maids." These same women stayed in toxic relationships and bad marraiges because they felt they had no choice...they were "stuck"...with no where else to go.


Women today don't feel the same pressure to get married and settle down. They have have busy lives and careers of their own and are no longer financially dependant on someone else, nor do they surrender to the old fashioned notion that they should settle down and start families.


Now that the playing field has evened out, this might cause frustration for some men. I have met a few who were under the impression that because they were financially well off that this would be enough to impress any female they desired. And now, middle-aged, and tired of being single, they are desperately searching for that 20-year-old "model" bride...that "perfect" woman...in spite of their pot-bellies and bald spots. Now who's "time clocks" are ticking?!...lol


But on a positive note, at least when an independant female commits herself to a partner, its because she love's and "wants" that person in her life...not because she "needs" him on any level other then emotionally. And that's what makes a relationship REAL!


i recognized that it has been increasing in number of gals at late 20's or early 30's still single or have no bf. Is it the reason that guys have more choices..?
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