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wat do i do now

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i like this girl alot and i cant stop thinking about her, it all started in gym class in the begining of the year i would play around with all of the gurls and ask them for hugs. then i started to grow feelings for this girl and couldnt ask anyone for a hug no more so we started talking and i found out she plays volleyball and i thought that was cool cause i play football. one day i was walking with her and i built up the guts to ask her for her phone number and she gave it to me. last week i went on vacation and got her a neckless(not gold or anything)so i got home and i called her and told her i got her somthing and she said she didnt want anything. i like this girl alot but i dont know what to do next????

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right now your in the friends zone, shes confident enough to give you her number and so you should just keep bbuilding up the relationship through talking on the phone and online chatting. dont give her the necklace now, i dont think you guys really know each other well enought to give each other things. Take the hint when she said that she didnt want anything, she means it right now. If she asks about the item you bought, then ask her if she really wants it (but dont tell her what it is).


overall advice: just keep talking to her and look for the signs of attraction.

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