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To Tony.

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If you read my post below, then you know why I don't believe in soulmates. Actually, it's not as much that I don't believe in them as much as it's that I find the concept more of a romantic idea or fairytale than a concept soundly based in logic and rational sense.


If you want me to put it differently, I do believe in the spirit of soulmates, just as I believe in the spirit of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and the sexually loyal U.S. Congressman.


As in everything else, if you believe in soulmates and you find someone you feel is surely your soulmate, it makes not a bean what I think. I am not the last word on things, you know. I just have opinions like everyone else.


If you must have a soulmate, I wish with all my heart that you find yours.

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If you read my post below, then you know why I don't believe in soulmates. Actually, it's not as much that I don't believe in them as much as it's that I find the concept more of a romantic idea or fairytale than a concept soundly based in logic and rational sense. If you want me to put it differently, I do believe in the spirit of soulmates, just as I believe in the spirit of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and the sexually loyal U.S. Congressman. As in everything else, if you believe in soulmates and you find someone you feel is surely your soulmate, it makes not a bean what I think. I am not the last word on things, you know. I just have opinions like everyone else. If you must have a soulmate, I wish with all my heart that you find yours.
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If I understand this question correctly, you are asking what I think about soulmates. I feel I have sufficiently gone into this matter already. If that's not what you meant, please be far more specific in asking you question.


I would hope you would urge others to post their response here. However, we have recently dealt several times in detail about soulmates.

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If I understand this question correctly, you are asking what I think about soulmates. I feel I have sufficiently gone into this matter already. If that's not what you meant, please be far more specific in asking you question. I would hope you would urge others to post their response here. However, we have recently dealt several times in detail about soulmates.


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