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I am 24 years old and have a full-time job. I do not meet a lot of women. I do not women at all. It seems there is no singel women out there. Where can I meet women. Are there a lot of single women who are looking for boyfriends, and where would they usually go to meet guys?


I live in New York City, and you probably will suggest to go to bars and or clubs, but wheer would I meet a decent woman. I know most of the ladies in bars and clubs want one nite stands


Please help

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If you live in New York City, you should have very little trouble finding a single women. Go out and do things you enjoy doing. Go to places you enjoy going.


Goto the library or bookstore. Goto a sporting event at a local college/university, or drop by the college library.


Walk up to a girl you see there and introduce yourself. Become good friends with her.


If you're not interested in her, it's okay. Just become her buddy. That way, you'll end up meeting her friends, going places with her, and meeting tons of women.


And don't seem desperate at all when you do talk to one. Make yourself appear very cool, calm, confident, and collected (even if you don't feel that way).

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SOunds easier than done.


You mean just go up to them ans strike a conversation?

If you live in New York City, you should have very little trouble finding a single women. Go out and do things you enjoy doing. Go to places you enjoy going. Goto the library or bookstore. Goto a sporting event at a local college/university, or drop by the college library. Walk up to a girl you see there and introduce yourself. Become good friends with her. If you're not interested in her, it's okay. Just become her buddy. That way, you'll end up meeting her friends, going places with her, and meeting tons of women. And don't seem desperate at all when you do talk to one. Make yourself appear very cool, calm, confident, and collected (even if you don't feel that way).
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Okay, it looks like you'll need some practice.


The next time you go out...ANYWHERE...the grocery store, the mall, the post office, a bar, a club, etc..., do the following:


If you see a girl that catches your eye, walk up to her and give her a compliment. Be genuine. If she's got a gorgeous smile/beautiful eyes, walk up to her, and tell her she's got the most amazing smile/eyes. Whatever it is that catches your attention, go up and compliment her about it.


BUT...as soon as you give her the compliment, WALK AWAY.


Don't even stop. Don't even turn back. Don't even LOOK back. That way, you won't be rejected.


Now do this once a day...find at least one girl each day..or even two...to walk up to and say something nice about...and then walk away. Now keep doing this for about a week or two, until you feel at ease doing this and can walk up with confidence, your shoulders high, walking straight, and a big smile on your face.


Your goal here is not to hook up with these girls, but so that you can practice how to approach someone and act confident.


TRUST ME. This is one of the best ways to become comfortable walking up to women.


Soon you'll see that it's not too difficult to walk up to someone and say something nice to them. Then you can start approaching them and strikig up a conversation.


Go do it today, and then come back here and post about it.


Good luck!

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I can assure you that 90% of the women you meet in a bar or club DO NOT want a one night stand. Where did you ever get that idea? Most women that are out at a bar or club are there for the same reason you are: to hang out with friends, listen to music, have a couple of drinks, play pool, watch the football game, dance, etc. Don't write off bars and clubs so quickly. I think they are one of the easiest places to meet people. Yes, the quality of some of them may not be there, but it is possible to stumble across someone great. And hey, it's great practice in talking to people.

I am 24 years old and have a full-time job. I do not meet a lot of women. I do not women at all. It seems there is no singel women out there. Where can I meet women. Are there a lot of single women who are looking for boyfriends, and where would they usually go to meet guys? I live in New York City, and you probably will suggest to go to bars and or clubs, but wheer would I meet a decent woman. I know most of the ladies in bars and clubs want one nite stands


Please help

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