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Was it appropriate to ask a girl to delete my number?

Manny g

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So, this story is about a year in the making. About a year ago I met a girl she was down to earth and easy to talk to. We will call her amber. She was slightly extroverted in nature. We would talk daily from morning to night no issues. Topics include anything from past experiences, dreams and current events. We where together for about 4 months. Everything was fine until the last day. She told me to get home safe then completely ghosted me on all forms of communication. It was hard for me to understand since we didn't fight. I tired to message her on a different account but she blocked that number too. It was hard to understand why she did it. It took me some time to get over it. Almost a year on the dot. She unblocked me and messaged me on how I was doing. She talked to me like the never left. I was wholeheartedly infuriated. My first question was why she left. But she kept gaslighting me saying it was someone who stole money from her. I told her that is not a vaild excuse to walk away from someone and not talk to them for over a year. Especially when I was never involved in this situation. I told her I was confused about her presence and I didn't know I'd I wanted to talk to her. She kept going on about how her friend stole money from her any time I tried to get an honest answer out of her. I got fed up with it and I asked her to delete my number. She amazingly agreed. Yet, I don't feel like she actually did it. Should I be concerned that she will come back again?

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You don't have any control over her actions and whether or not she blocks you.  The only thing you have control over are your own actions....so just block her on all platforms and be done with it.

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Block her.

If she finds a way to contact you on a different platform then say nothing and block her there as well.

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This is what the block function is for.  You shouldn't be worrying about anything, you should just be done with her.

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