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Phone always face down and on silent. Literally every time I leave the room on their phone.

doesn’t post on Facebook wall anymore only via Facebook stories (which keeps any replies for the posters eyes only)

stopped posting our trips away too.

always on Twitter and very late nights on FB messenger 

It’s along distance relationship so really hard to tell

thanks in advance 

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Do you mean the relationship was on and off for the past year or her behavior was on and off?

Have you talked to her about it?

Do you have any plan to eliminate the distance? 

She could just be a social media addict. Also after 3 years the newness in a relationship is gone, we don't go gaga on the social media about our relationship. 


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Apologies I meant behaviour 


I did raise once and surprised her by turning up unannounced. I felt that she took an age to answer and then I asked to see her phone and no secret chats.

yes we plan to live together in a few month s time 

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4 minutes ago, Liam558 said:

I felt that she took an age to answer and then I asked to see her phone and no secret chats.

I think you did not have enough evidence of cheating to ask to see her phone. Has she cheated before? Do you have an issue with trusting?

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I don’t think it’s anything other than private chats - emotional infidelity stuff. She has lied before very easily about insignificant things. A very adept liar who lied to cover lies but I found proof eventually.

i don’t have trust issues but I also do trust my gut 

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Things will probably change once you move in together. She doesn't have to look for attention elsewhere. 

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2 minutes ago, Liam558 said:

She has lied before very easily about insignificant things. A very adept liar who lied to cover lies but I found proof eventually.

What were those insignificant lies? And why do you date her if you consider her a liar and you don't trust her?

You suspect her of emotional infidelity? Then it means she is not finding what she emotionally needs in your relationship. Why drag this any longer? It seems to me this relationship is forced on both sides. You don't trust her and she is being secretive. 

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A relationship without trust is doomed. If you can’t trust her, break up with her.

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8 hours ago, Liam558 said:

A very adept liar who lied to cover lies but I found proof eventually.

What part of this is attractive?  Liars think other people are stupid, a very ugly personality trait. 

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She's a very adept liar, why would you trust her? ... doesn't make much sense to me.

She puts the phone face down and on silent so you won't see any notifications or messages that come through. She only posts on Facebook stories and not on the wall so that she can control any replies or interactions. She's always on Twitter and FB messenger late at night because that's when she probably has time to talk to whoever she's communicating with without being disturbed by you. 

Of course, you have no proof, but it's clear that she's trying to hide something. If she's lied to you before and you've found proof, then it's likely that she's lying again.

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On 8/27/2024 at 7:15 AM, Liam558 said:

I don’t think it’s anything other than private chats - emotional infidelity stuff. She has lied before very easily about insignificant things. A very adept liar who lied to cover lies but I found proof eventually.

i don’t have trust issues but I also do trust my gut 

These aren’t qualities I’d want in my partner.

since she isn’t acting trustworthy - you have reason to worry.

I wouldn’t go changing my life for someone like that! Make sure you have a solid way to getaway from her on a moments notice should you need to.

plan for the worst and hope for the best.

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