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This is why you don't give people nudes or allow yourself to be filmed


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The situation with the lady I was getting together casually with just ended. Nothing big about it other than it just ended. One thing it is though is a prime example of why you don't send nudey pics to flings or allow anything to be filmed of your time together.

I'm not one of those guys who will do anything with those images but often times when people get caught up in the moment they forget that those images or videos will still be around after your time with the person is done. 

And at the same time it only takes a couple clicks to put stuff like that up on the internet. Like I said I'm not one of those people that would do something like that but there are definitely those that would. In this situation she would send me stuff often times early in the morning when she was horny. I don't have any videos but just some very revealing pictures. I didn't even ask for the images she was just sending them probably because she was thinking about me and wanted me to be thinking about her.

People just need to remember to be very careful with that kind of stuff and don't get carried away just because the person excites you at the time. There are entire sections on porn sites dedicated to amateurs and a lot of that material is probably compiled similar to this situation where people got caught up in the moment and didn't think about the fact that that material won't go away just because the person you are making it with or for does.

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1 hour ago, Gaeta said:

For sure. 

Is she young and naïve? Or she just didn't care if those pictures went public? 

No she's not young. I'm the same age as her kids. Naive probably so. Many of these women getting involved with younger men are just as naive (infact possibly even moreso) about what is out there than some of these gals in their late teens and early twenties. 

She definitely didn't want her kids to find out about what she was doing so I imagine she wouldn't want her images freely out there for anyone to see. Many just aren't familiar with just how easy it is to post that stuff on a searchable website these days.


Edited by Sony12
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This. I'm hardly a blushing virgin, but as a tech person it astounds me how many people who are otherwise private with their sex life don't seem to care about doing this. EVEN if the person you were sending them to was 100% trustworthy and wouldn't intentionally leak them, unintentional stuff happens. Their friend could have gone through their phone. They could lose their phone and not realize they could lock it. They could get hacked or phished.

Basically, if you're not okay with the public seeing something, don't record it.

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49 minutes ago, Els said:

This. I'm hardly a blushing virgin, but as a tech person it astounds me how many people who are otherwise private with their sex life don't seem to care about doing this. EVEN if the person you were sending them to was 100% trustworthy and wouldn't intentionally leak them, unintentional stuff happens. Their friend could have gone through their phone. They could lose their phone and not realize they could lock it. They could get hacked or phished.

Basically, if you're not okay with the public seeing something, don't record it.


Yep and if a lady did find out a video or image of her was on xvideo or pornhub I'm not sure it would be all that easy to get it taken down if the video clearly depicted a consensual act with her seemingly having knowledge that she was being filmed. It would also be tough for her to prove that the person in the video was her.

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2 hours ago, Sony12 said:


Yep and if a lady did find out a video or image of her was on xvideo or pornhub I'm not sure it would be all that easy to get it taken down if the video clearly depicted a consensual act with her seemingly having knowledge that she was being filmed.

Having watched docos on this stuff, I can report that it's impossible to remove stuff like this from the web.  Once it's out there, it's out there

2 hours ago, Sony12 said:

It would also be tough for her to prove that the person in the video was her.

With deep fakes now being a thing, it's also very hard to prove that the person isn't her.

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Dude here. Back when I was dating I was surprised by the number of women who would send me nudes. I'm in a long-term relationship now and of course I still get some pretty amazing nudes from her. *self high five*

This is the policy I followed and still follow. I would either immediately delete them (after a bit of admiration) OR move them to an encrypted photo area on my phone. If the relationship ended, I would purge the encrypted photo area. Most of the time I would let them know that the pics/videos had been purged. 

I did this for two reasons: 1) to make sure the women were protected from these ever getting out and 2) for the peace of mind knowing that I was not responsible (nor could be accused) of them ever getting out.

Humorous aside: one of my platonic female friends once told me that my policy of purging was cruel/cold. I asked why and she said that as a woman there is a certain je ne sais quoa about knowing an ex still has nudes of you and hoping that he might, from time to time, look at them and miss you/regret the break-up. Which, kinda makes sense to me to be honest. 

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1 hour ago, Mrin said:

I would either immediately delete them (after a bit of admiration) OR move them to an encrypted photo area on my phone. If the relationship ended, I would purge the encrypted photo area.

Same here.

Keeping nudes of exes when being with someone else is a bit… over the top, I think. No judgment of anyone who does that, but I began to feel uncomfortable knowing that I still had nudes of my exes while already being together with my now-fiancée. So I just deleted them. 


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Back in my crazy days when I used to send sexy pictures to guys I was dating, I would always make sure that my face wasn't in the pictures.

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The closest I came to sending something risque' to someone I was briefly dating was a picture of my legs (I had just purchased a really nice pair of heels). Sexier pictures are reserved for boyfriends. Not because anything bad has ever happened, it's just how I roll. Excellent reminder to people though!

Edited by Alpacalia
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 I was talking to a lady off of Match earlier this year. She lived probably five or six hours away from me so we just chatted over the phone and didn't meet (she did invite me down but I declined). She's in her early 70's and looks pretty young for her age and seems to still have a lot of energy as well. She enjoys talking to younger men and I kind of became someone that she felt comfortable talking about her sex life with (probably because I wasn't local and she felt it was safe disclosing her sexual interests to.

Anyways she started talking to a local guy that was roughly about twenty years younger than her. We didn't talk for a couple weeks after that but then she messaged me asking if I was available to talk about things. When we talked on the phone she told me about the couple dates she had with the guy. Said she was initially having a real good time with him and was really attracted to him however things got pretty awkward after the last date. They had sex during their most recent date and during it he started recording it with his phone. He recorded a facial he was giving to her while she was lying down on her back with him sitting on top of her. At first it really excited her but then all of a sudden after it happened he disappeared on her with the video in his possession.

I immediately warned her about the situation and told her how easy it was to put that stuff online and told her to go to the xvideo site. She didn't have any idea sites like that existed where amateurs could put stuff up so easily.

I told her to immediately message the guy and tell him in a very direct manner that she did not want that video up on the internet. Very shortly after (I believe while we were still talking that day) according to her he replied back and said of course and offered to delete the video if she wanted him to. Rather or not the guy ever did put the video online no one really knows but him but recording a facial in that type of position would not be an easy thing to do and probably indicates he had done that before. 

We stopped talking not long after that as there were several other ladies I was talking to as well who were closer. I might message her sometime again just to see how many videos she has made recently, lol.

It does go to show though that there are a good amount of people out there still who are completely unaware of that world of amateur activity where all you need to become a sex video creator is a computer and a cell phone.

Edited by Sony12
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