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just need some advice

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I am 22 and the guy I have just started seeing is 30..


I have always gone for looks in my life, and have decided after years of that, to look for personalities, as I am starting to grow up and all the bastards I have had, had been to me very good looking.


This guy I have just started seeing, isnt my normal type in looks....but he has a really good personality, and makes me feel special...I feel really attracted to his personality, and half attracted to the looks, but i keep on seeing him.


All my friends say 30 is too old, but I honestly dont think he is....and I enjoy spending time with him, as he is very affectionate, likes going to see movies and gives me time to study and do things on my own...unlike previous men who have always wanted me to give up stuff to see them...


my point is, is it ok to just want to see someone for their personality and the way they treat you? Would u see a successful relationship coming from something like this? is 30 too old for me? Is a guy saying they miss me and is thinking about me a lot...too much for only just started seeing them (im talking about less than 3 weeks here)


Thanks in advance

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1. "my point is, is it ok to just want to see someone for their personality and the way they treat you?"


Not only is it OK, but I'd say it was pretty damned sane and rational. It's a whole lot better than wanting to see someone for their looks and having them beat the crap out of you.


Did you really not know the answer to this?


2. "Would u see a successful relationship coming from something like this?"


The absolute best. That is, if you think you're ready for a guy who can treat you nicely. Lots of ladies your age still like to be treated poorly. Of course, you have stated that you are sort of getting tired of those good looking baxtards.


As you get to know him, he will become more and more attractive to you. He's more mature and probably appreciates you so much more than those others. Sounds like the basis of a really great relationship to me, all other things considered.


3. "is 30 too old for me?"


If you're talking about milk, I wouldn't try it. But if you're talking about this guy, hell no. When he's 100, you will be 92. The danger there is he'll be looking for a much younger woman then so you better keep a keen eye on him.


4. "Is a guy saying they miss me and is thinking about me a lot...too much for only just started seeing them (im talking about less than 3 weeks here)"


Well, I wouldn't do it because it's not real good strategy. But if this guy is sincere, and I have no reason to believe he isn't, that question is up to you to answer. If he really does miss you and is thinking about you a lot, does that bother you? If it does, then it's too much. If it doesn't, it's great.


Hell, I'll be thinking about you all day and I don't even know you. How's that???

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