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lots of things in my mind...

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hi..better i go straight to the point..I'm a girl with lots of guys friends since university days. Even two of my close friends are guys. I always hang out with

group of friends, and i'm the only girl. I'm comfortable with them, so are they. most of the time, i'm their "cool" girl friend.

I feel good about it..but lately, most of them are getting married or have their own special girlfriend, so now only left one of the guy, and me, who is still single.

I feel weird lately..i feel like i'm having a crush on him..but it's confusing because i thought this maybe happen because of the surrounding.Now we always hangout together, because everybody else in our group been busy or have their own commitment. so that makes me know him more.We've talk a lot..serious n nonsense things as well.But once he said to me, he thinks it is impossible to fall in love with friend.

I think i like him..the more i know him, the more i admire him. I think he knows that i like him..but he plays it cool.

how can i make sure nothing is spoilt? Either the friendship..or the relationship..i really want to try, to see ..because if it works, it would be great..If i keep it cool...he will just see me as his friend.

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It sounds to me like he doesn't want to take the friendship beyond what it is.


If he's 'playing it cool', I think it's because he's giving you that message. If he says, "I don't think I could fall in love with a friend" he's giving you the same message in another way.


People fall in love with friends of the opposite sex all the time. It's a very natural progression if it's right

If it's not right for one or the other person, they'll try to let you know in ways without hurting you.

I think he is not interested in romance with you, honestly



And if I were you, I'd think about whether you feel pressured to 'pair up' just because everyone else is? That pressure can be pretty overwhelming.



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You're in a tough spot. Either he likes you more than he lets on (Or wants to get down your pants, sorry to be crass) or he has hinted that he just likes you as a buddy, one of the guys.


If you want to know what he could feel without letting HIM know...Start dressing up more, wear perfume and do some touchy feely with him (not kissing, but more affectionate) and see how he reacts to that.


Good luck and be sure to report back!

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Haha ..thanks all..i've done that...last weekend we went for a trip, 6 of us, by van. As i sit beside i purposely put my head on his shoulder...just to see how he react..( i did it to the other guy as well, but with him i did longer!:rolleyes: )

still, he keep it cool...

Now i know where i stand..thanks guys..i think i need to move on..and just let

the feeling fade away before it's getting worst!

If he's interested, he'll let me know..:(


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Hi..yeah after reading advises up there, i accept the fact that i only can be his friend...so no moves, no stupid intention that i made, ..i truly react just as a friend to him...But lately, we became closer, we stil see each other with group of friends weekly...but looks like he became more warm towards me.

He asked me to go to movie...now we're always chatting online (of course i'm not the one who pm him first!)...and he told me about his problems, his family, which is i truly know that he never tells any of our friends.

He once said he will not bring any of girls to see his family even his siblings, but there were one day he went to see his sister, i was with him, and i said i'll wait in the car, but he asked me to come along.

And there is another girl who he always go out with during weekdays, but then he told me she's a lil bit boring, and sometimes, he text me even when he is with that girl...

so now...tell me...is there still a little hope???Cos i wish..there is..:bunny:

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Hi..yeah after reading advises up there, i accept the fact that i only can be his friend...so no moves, no stupid intention that i made, ..i truly react just as a friend to him...But lately, we became closer, we stil see each other with group of friends weekly...but looks like he became more warm towards me.

He asked me to go to movie...now we're always chatting online (of course i'm not the one who pm him first!)...and he told me about his problems, his family, which is i truly know that he never tells any of our friends.

He once said he will not bring any of girls to see his family even his siblings, but there were one day he went to see his sister, i was with him, and i said i'll wait in the car, but he asked me to come along.

And there is another girl who he always go out with during weekdays, but then he told me she's a lil bit boring, and sometimes, he text me even when he is with that girl...

so now...tell me...is there still a little hope???Cos i wish..there is..:bunny:


sounds like he wants you to be a part of his life. give it time to grow, and dont rush into things. in time you'll know where this is headed.

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Hi...from what i feel , things are going better n better each time...

HE shows he care more and more...we still converse with each other in friend's term..But there are more touching..and he hugs me as well..

but i'm so scared i misunderstood our relationship...maybe he just care for just as friends?i really like him .Each day it grows...He always care on my problems...but he still at times say things like "why dont u find urself a boyfriend?"..i really cherish and appreciate the moments with him now..coz it feels so great...but just wonder, u guys out there....what makes u do that things you do...what do we girls need to do to get u guys see us more than as a friend?...If time is all i need...i'll wait..

::just to update on the progress..but any comments are most welcome:::love:

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