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Why woman only can being with one man? I'm fed up with my bf and i'm extremely bored,i want to have some new passion by meeting some new guys and have great #####.I want to do this without taking any responsibility...


I know I can be slut with everyone , but why woman only can being with one man?

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If you are extremely bad and fed up with your boyfriend.....and u dont want any responsibility....then break up with him and go find yourself a new man to have a fling with, as your bf doesnt deserve this.....


It is unfair to your boyfriend to even contemplate doing this without breaking up with him....


Do yourself and him a favour....

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I second what Julia said. If you fed up and tired with your boyfriend, dump him. You may enjoy multipule lovers, whatever that is. Sounds great to me.

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Is it wrong for a girl to like one night stand? Do you know why?



If you are extremely bad and fed up with your boyfriend.....and u dont want any responsibility....then break up with him and go find yourself a new man to have a fling with, as your bf doesnt deserve this..... It is unfair to your boyfriend to even contemplate doing this without breaking up with him.... Do yourself and him a favour....
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hi water,


when you ask, "why can a woman be with only one man", do you mean having one guy as a boyfriend, or being single and sleeping with as many guys as you want to?


if you have a boyfriend, then i think it's only fair that you sleep with him and only him, unless of course, he is quite happy to sleep with you while you sleep with lots of other men....but of course, there are not many men out there who would be happy if their girlfriend did that. it tends to go against the whole idea of being in a relationship.


if you do not want to have a boyfriend, but feel you would be quite happy to sleep with any man you please to sleep with, then by all means do it. but you still have to be RESPONSIBLE - that means ALWAYS USING CONDOMS. being responsible means ensuring you do not pick up an std or get pregnant.


of course, sleeping with any tom, dick or harry may not guarantee you happiness.....you could earn a reputation as a "slut" (double standards), you could pick up an std if you are not careful, you could get pregnant if you are not careful, you could go home with a really weird (or dangerous) stranger if you are not careful.


if you don't want a boyfriend, but would like to "explore" many guys, so to speak, then you cannot do this without being RESPONSIBLE.


oh....and dump your boyfriend now. cheating is dispicable behaviour in many people's books and he does not deserve it.


best wishes :)

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There is nothing wrong to like a one night stand.......

I just think that if the person is sick of her boyfriend and fed up.....then break up before you have the fling


sorry just my aussie way of doing it......

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You don't have to be with only one man. But you don't need to be in a relationship if you want to have this lifestyle. There are lots of women out there who feel the same way you do. So in all fairness to the man you are in a relationship with, break up with him before you do this. You owe it to him to do this if you are not satisfied and want to have a different lifestyle. If you took the trouble to start a relationship with this man then you owe it to him to break it off because it sounds like it's not right for you. You sound like you want to be able to explore other people and that kind of freedom means you should be single to explore it.


You Can't do this without taking any responsibility. If you do then you will wish you hadn't. Also, protect yourself and the guy you are with now by using a condom and tell him the truth, just because you want to have sex with other people doesn't mean he needs to, if you know what I mean.


Break up with him if you are going to do this, that's all yo need to do and you will be off the hook.

Why woman only can being with one man? I'm fed up with my bf and i'm extremely bored,i want to have some new passion by meeting some new guys and have great #####.I want to do this without taking any responsibility... I know I can be slut with everyone , but why woman only can being with one man?
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