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feelings for my ex?


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Okay my problem seems a little backwards compared with most of the stuff on this forum but I wasn't quite sure where to post. The week before Christmas I received an email from my ex. We broke up three years ago and we avoided eachother after that so we've never really talked since then. In his email he wrote how he'd been trying to get in touch with me so he could appologize for all the stuff that happened while we were together (trust me it was a fifty fifty thing when it comes to everything that went wrong with us though). We've continued to email and im eachother, and we've hung out a few times as well. He knows I'm a little confused about my feelings for him but I feel that these feelings are just a passing phase, they're not even that strong. I guess I'm just wondering if anyone can offer me some advice on how to get over these slightly less then platonic feelings for this guy. The two of us remaining friends is important to me and I would like to get over this stuff so that they won't be any awkward moments between us. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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