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Knowing more than he thinks i do.

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Okay. I'm really not sure what to do about my situation. My ex(with whom i'm still friends with)made some really big mistakes that have gotten him into trouble with the group he belongs to. He hasn't told me about this, but through other members of the group(whom i trust with my life) that he is up for some serious reprimands. I have not said anything to him about my knowing what went on. I think that the big reason he hasnt told me is because he thinks he can convince me that he's just fine without me. I don't nderstand why he feels he can't trust me, and i wish tha he would come clean and tell me what;s going on. How can i ge him to do that without telling him what i already know.I really don't want to hurt him in any way. And defdinitley don't want him to think im being nosy.

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Friends have no obligation to tell other friends personal things they want to keep to themselves. Friends are free to share what they want but they are not required to put all their dirty laundry out on the table.


If he wants you to know about this, he will tell you. Otherwise, butt out of it and let him have his privacy. If he gets to a point where he needs your help or wants you to have details, he will tell you. Otherwise, he has every right to keep personal business that doesn't affect you to himself.


And don't try to one up him and let him know you are already aware of this stuff. That would be very immature.


He probably isn't ready to admit his serious mistakes to you. He's a big boy but we're all still learning our lessons. It sounds like he's about ready to learn a lot more.

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